/* Merge Sort by Philip J. Erdelsky pje@acm.org http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~pje/ */ #include #include #include extern void *sort_linked_list(void *, unsigned, int (*)(void *, void *, void *), void *, unsigned long *); struct record_in_memory { struct record_in_memory *next; char record[1]; }; struct compare_info { int (*compare)(void *, void *, void *); void *pointer; }; static void free_memory_blocks(struct record_in_memory *first) { while (first != NULL) { struct record_in_memory *next = first->next; free(first); first = next; } } static int compare_records(void *p, void *q, void *pointer) { #define pp ((struct record_in_memory *) p) #define qq ((struct record_in_memory *) q) #define point ((struct compare_info *) pointer) return (*point->compare)(pp->record, qq->record, point->pointer); } #define OK 0 #define INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY 1 #define FILE_CREATION_ERROR 2 #define FILE_WRITE_ERROR 3 int merge_sort(FILE *unsorted_file, FILE *sorted_file, int (*read)(FILE *, void *, void *), int (*write)(FILE *, void *, void *), int (*compare)(void *, void *, void *), void *pointer, unsigned max_record_size, unsigned long block_size, unsigned long *pcount) { struct tape { FILE *fp; unsigned long count; }; struct tape source_tape[2]; char *record[2]; /* allocate memory */ if ((record[0] = malloc(max_record_size)) == NULL) return INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; if ((record[1] = malloc(max_record_size)) == NULL) { free(record[0]); return INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } /* create temporary files source_tape[0] and source_tape[1] */ source_tape[0].fp = tmpfile(); source_tape[0].count = 0L; if (source_tape[0].fp == NULL) { free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_CREATION_ERROR; } source_tape[1].fp = tmpfile(); source_tape[1].count = 0L; if (source_tape[1].fp == NULL) { fclose(source_tape[0].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_CREATION_ERROR; } /* read blocks, sort them in memory, and write the alternately to */ /* tapes 0 and 1 */ { struct record_in_memory *first = NULL; unsigned long block_count = 0; unsigned destination = 0; struct compare_info comp; comp.compare = compare; comp.pointer = pointer; while (1) { int record_size = (*read)(unsorted_file, record[0], pointer); if (record_size > 0) { struct record_in_memory *p = (struct record_in_memory *) malloc(sizeof(struct record_in_memory *) + record_size); if (p == NULL) { fclose(source_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); free_memory_blocks(first); return INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } p->next = first; memcpy(p->record, record[0], record_size); first = p; block_count++; } if (block_count == block_size || record_size == 0 && block_count != 0) { first = sort_linked_list(first, 0, compare_records, &comp, NULL); while (first != NULL) { struct record_in_memory *next = first->next; if ((*write)(source_tape[destination].fp, first->record, pointer) == 0) { fclose(source_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); free_memory_blocks(first); return FILE_WRITE_ERROR; } source_tape[destination].count++; free(first); first = next; } destination ^= 1; block_count = 0; } if (record_size == 0) break; } } if (sorted_file == unsorted_file) rewind(unsorted_file); rewind(source_tape[0].fp); rewind(source_tape[1].fp); /* delete the unsorted file here, if required (see instructions) */ /* handle case where memory sort is all that is required */ if (source_tape[1].count == 0L) { fclose(source_tape[1].fp); source_tape[1] = source_tape[0]; source_tape[0].fp = sorted_file; while (source_tape[1].count-- != 0L) { (*read)(source_tape[1].fp, record[0], pointer); if ((*write)(source_tape[0].fp, record[0], pointer) == 0) { fclose(source_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_WRITE_ERROR; } } } else { /* merge tapes, two by two, until every record is in source_tape[0] */ while (source_tape[1].count != 0L) { unsigned destination = 0; struct tape destination_tape[2]; destination_tape[0].fp = source_tape[0].count <= block_size ? sorted_file : tmpfile(); destination_tape[0].count = 0L; if (destination_tape[0].fp == NULL) { fclose(source_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_CREATION_ERROR; } destination_tape[1].fp = tmpfile(); destination_tape[1].count = 0L; if (destination_tape[1].fp == NULL) { if (destination_tape[0].fp != sorted_file) fclose(destination_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_CREATION_ERROR; } (*read)(source_tape[0].fp, record[0], pointer); (*read)(source_tape[1].fp, record[1], pointer); while (source_tape[0].count != 0L) { unsigned long count[2]; count[0] = source_tape[0].count; if (count[0] > block_size) count[0] = block_size; count[1] = source_tape[1].count; if (count[1] > block_size) count[1] = block_size; while (count[0] + count[1] != 0) { unsigned select = count[0] == 0 ? 1 : count[1] == 0 ? 0 : compare(record[0], record[1], pointer) < 0 ? 0 : 1; if ((*write)(destination_tape[destination].fp, record[select], pointer) == 0) { if (destination_tape[0].fp != sorted_file) fclose(destination_tape[0].fp); fclose(destination_tape[1].fp); fclose(source_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_WRITE_ERROR; } if (source_tape[select].count > 1L) (*read)(source_tape[select].fp, record[select], pointer); source_tape[select].count--; count[select]--; destination_tape[destination].count++; } destination ^= 1; } fclose(source_tape[0].fp); fclose(source_tape[1].fp); if (fflush(destination_tape[0].fp) == EOF || fflush(destination_tape[1].fp) == EOF) { if (destination_tape[0].fp != sorted_file) fclose(destination_tape[0].fp); fclose(destination_tape[1].fp); free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return FILE_WRITE_ERROR; } rewind(destination_tape[0].fp); rewind(destination_tape[1].fp); memcpy(source_tape, destination_tape, sizeof(source_tape)); block_size <<= 1; } } fclose(source_tape[1].fp); if (pcount != NULL) *pcount = source_tape[0].count; free(record[0]); free(record[1]); return OK; }