This file is a concatenation of the following files: name and extension description ------------------ ------------------------------------------------ RDCF2.DOC Documentation for Reentrant DOS-Compatible Files RDCF2.H Header for Reentrant DOS-Compatible Files RDCF2.C Source code for Reentrant DOS-Compatible Files CACHE.DOC Documentation for Reentrant DOS-Compatible Files CACHE.H Header for Reentrant DOS-Compatible Files CACHE.C Source code for Reentrant DOS-Compatible Files FILES.DOC Documentation for Files utility FILES.C Source code for Files utility =============================== CACHE.C =============================== /* Reentrant Cache System 1.1 */ #include "cache.h" #include #include enum buffer_status {EMPTY, CLEAN, DIRTY}; static unsigned access(struct cache *q, int write, struct cache_block *b) { unsigned e = (*q->drive_access)(write, b->drive, b->sector, b->data); if (e!=0) { q->error_sector = b->sector; q->error_drive = b->drive; } return e; } unsigned cache_access(struct cache *q, int write, unsigned drive, unsigned sector, void *buffer) { struct { struct cache_block *previous; struct cache_block *current; } b, empty, clean, dirty; /* find the matching block, and also the first empty, clean and dirty */ /* blocks, all with a single pass through the list */ b.previous = empty.current = clean.current = dirty.current = NULL; b.current = q->first; do { if (b.current->status == EMPTY) { if (empty.current == NULL) empty = b; } else if (b.current->sector == sector && b.current->drive == drive) break; else { if (b.current->status == CLEAN) { if (clean.current == NULL) clean = b; } else if (dirty.current == NULL) dirty = b; } b.previous = b.current; b.current = b.current->next; } while (b.current != NULL); /* if there is no matching block, assign one according to the rules */ if (b.current == NULL) { if (empty.current != NULL) {b = empty; q->empty--;} else if (clean.current != NULL) {b = clean; q->clean--;} else { unsigned e; b = dirty; e = access(q, 1, b.current); if (e) return e; q->dirty--; } b.current->status = EMPTY; b.current->sector = sector; b.current->drive = drive; q->empty++; } if (write) { if (b.current->status == EMPTY) {q->empty--; q->dirty++;} else if (b.current->status == CLEAN) {q->clean--; q->dirty++;} memcpy(b.current->data, buffer, q->sector_size); b.current->status = DIRTY; } else { if (b.current->status == EMPTY) { unsigned e = access(q, 0, b.current); if (e) return e; q->empty--; q->clean++; b.current->status = CLEAN; } memcpy(buffer, b.current->data, q->sector_size); } /* put block at the end of the line */ if (b.current != q->last) { if (b.previous == NULL) q->first = b.current->next; else b.previous->next = b.current->next; q->last->next = b.current; b.current->next = NULL; q->last = b.current; } return 0; } unsigned cache_flush_and_or_clear(struct cache *q, int drive, int options) { unsigned return_value = 0; struct cache_block *b; for (b=q->first; b!=NULL; b=b->next) { if (drive<0 || b->drive==drive) { if (options&CACHE_FLUSH && b->status==DIRTY) { unsigned e = access(q, 1, b); if (e) return_value = e; b->status = CLEAN; q->dirty--; q->clean++; } if (options&CACHE_CLEAR) { if (b->status == CLEAN) { q->clean--; q->empty++; } else if (b->status == DIRTY) { q->dirty--; q->empty++; } b->status = EMPTY; } } } return return_value; } void cache_free(struct cache *q) { struct cache_block *b = q->first; while (b!=NULL) { struct cache_block *next = b->next; free(b); b = next; } free(q); } struct cache *cache_initialize(unsigned (*drive_access)(int, unsigned, unsigned, void *), unsigned number_of_sectors, unsigned sector_size) { struct cache *q = malloc(sizeof(struct cache)); if (q!=NULL) { struct cache_block *b; q->empty = number_of_sectors; b = q->first = malloc(sizeof(struct cache_block)+sector_size-1); while (1) { if (b==NULL) { cache_free(q); return NULL; } b->status = EMPTY; if (--number_of_sectors == 0) break; b = b->next = malloc(sizeof(struct cache_block)+sector_size-1); } b->next = NULL; q->last = b; q->drive_access = drive_access; q->sector_size = sector_size; q->clean = q->dirty = 0; } return q; } =============================== CACHE.DOC =============================== A Simple Reentrant Cache System Version 1.1 by Philip J. Erdelsky September 15, 1992 PUBLIC DOMAIN -- NO RESTRICTIONS ON USE 0. What's New ------------- The following features were not in version 1.0: (1) The cache system keeps track of the number of empty, clean and dirty sectors. (2) When flushing the cache, the cache system does not quit on the first error. It continues flushing. 1. Introduction --------------- Many applications that use disks tend to read and write the same sectors repeatedly. A technique called caching can make such applications run much faster. With this technique, frequently used sectors are read into memory buffers when the application begins. The application then reads and writes the memory buffers. When the application terminates, the buffers are written to the disk. Since reading and writing memory buffers is much faster than reading or writing disk sectors, the application can run much faster. There are some problems with caching. For example, it can be difficult to determine which sectors will be used frequently. However, the technique is widely used because the improvement is often quite substantial. This cache system is a simple one, designed to be placed between the Reentrant DOS-Compatible File System (RDCF) and a disk driver. A single cache can be used for two or more drives, as long as they all have the same sector size. The cache system is not reentrant with respect to different drives in this case, so access to it must be serialized. The cache system can handle as many separate caches as available memory permits. It is fully reentrant with respect to different caches. However, separate caches may not access the same drive. The cache system calls the standard C functions malloc() and free() when a cache is being initialized or freed, so reentrancy of those functions is required at those times. However, it does no memory allocation or deallocation at other times. The number of sectors in the cache and the size of each sector are determined at run time and need not be the same for all caches. The only limit to the number of sectors in the cache is available memory. A cached sector need not correspond to a single sector on disk, but it must be treated as such by functions that call and are called by the cache system. Each cache can handle up to 32,768 drives, numbered from 0 to 32,767, and up to 65,536 sectors on each drive, numbered from 0 to 65,535. The use of larger numbers will produce numeric overflow and catastrophic failure. Drive numbers and sector numbers need not be consecutive. No cache system can be optimal in every conceivable case, no matter how cleverly it is programmed. This cache system uses one of the simplest methods, and it is apparently adequate for some purposes. You are welcome to make your own improvements, but you must assume responsibility for the results if you make a mistake. In this cache system, each cached sector may exist in any of three states: (1) An EMPTY sector bears no relation to any disk sector. (2) A CLEAN sector contains the same data as the corresponding disk sector. (3) A DIRTY sector contains data which is to be written to the corresponding disk sector but has not yet been written. The cache system attempts to keep each sector in the cache as long as it can, and it uses the least-recently-used criterion when cached sectors must be reused. The process is explained in greater detail in Section 4. The source code for the cache system consists of the file CACHE.C and the header file CACHE.H. The latter should be #included in any source file that calls on the cache system, because it contains prototypes for all cache functions and other necessary information. The cache system calls on the following standard C functions: malloc() free() memcpy() To prevent identifier conflicts, all publicly defined identifiers in the cache system begin with the characters "cache", "CACHE" or "_CACHE". 2. How the Cache Reads and Writes a Sector ------------------------------------------ The cache system does not read or write the disk directly. You must provide it with a pointer to a function that you have written for your implementation. The cache system then calls this function whenever it needs to read or write a disk sector. The format of the function call is as follows: e = (*drive_access)(write, drive, sector, buffer); int write; nonzero (true) for a write operation; zero (false) for a read operation unsigned drive; drive to be read or written unsigned sector; sector to be read or written void *buffer; address of memory buffer to receive or supply data unsigned e; zero for a successful operation, or an implementation-defined nonzero error code When the cache receives a nonzero value from this function, it aborts the cache operation and returns the value as its own functional value. The cache control block contains the drive and sector numbers of the offending operation in the members error_drive and error_sector, respectively. This is especially helpful for diagnostic purpose, because the error almost always occurs in a sector other than the one currently being accessed by the application. 3. Creating and Initializing a Cache ------------------------------------ The following function call creates and initializes a cache: q = cache_initialize(drive_access, number_of_sectors, sector_size); unsigned (*drive_access)(); pointer to function called by cache to read or write a sector unsigned number_of_sectors; number of sectors to be stored in cache (must be at least 1) unsigned sector_size; number of bytes in a sector (1-65,535) struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block, or NULL if there was insufficient memory The function calls on malloc() to allocate memory for the cache storage. If malloc() returns NULL at any point in the process, the function calls free() to release any memory that it has allocated and returns a NULL pointer. Otherwise, it returns a pointer that can be passed to other cache functions. It marks all sectors in the cache as empty. A sector size near the upper limit of 65,535 may cause numeric overflow and catastrophic failure if the implementation does not permit allocation of single objects larger than 65,535 bytes. 4. Reading or Writing Through the Cache --------------------------------------- The heart of the cache system is the following function call: e = cache_access(q, write, drive, sector, buffer); struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block received from cache_initialize() int write; nonzero (true) for a write operation; zero (false) for a read operation unsigned drive; drive to be read or written unsigned sector; sector to be read or written void *buffer; address of memory buffer to receive or supply data unsigned e; zero for a successful operation, or an implementation-defined nonzero error code This function writes or reads the specified sector to or from the specified drive, using the cache as follows: (1) If the specified sector is not already in the cache, a cache sector is assigned to it as follows: (a) If there are still empty sectors in the cache, one of them is assigned to the specified sector. (b) If there are no empty sectors, but there are some clean ones, the least-recently used clean sector is marked as empty and assigned to the specified sector. (c) In other cases, the least-recently used dirty sector is written to disk, marked as empty, and assigned to the specified sector. (2) When reading, (a) If the sector is empty, it is read from the disk and marked as clean. (b) The sector is then copied from the cache to the calling program's buffer. (3) When writing, the calling program's buffer is copied to the cache and the sector is marked as dirty. IT IS NOT WRITTEN TO DISK. (4) The sector is marked as the most recently used. If an error is detected on an actual disk access, this function aborts the operation, puts the drive and sector numbers of the offending sector into q->error_drive and q->error sector, and returns the implementation-defined nonzero error code passed to it by (*drive_access)(). Otherwise, it returns zero. 5. Flushing the Cache --------------------- Before a disk can be changed or removed, the dirty sectors must be written out. The following function call does that, either for a specified drive or for all drives: e = cache_flush(q, drive); struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block received from cache_initialize() int drive; drive to be flushed; if drive<0, all drives are flushed unsigned e; zero for a successful operation, or an implementation-defined nonzero error code If the drive number is nonnegative, this function writes all dirty sectors to the specified drive and marks them as clean. Sectors on other drives are not affected. If the drive number is negative, it writes all dirty sectors to all drives and marks them as clean. The sectors are not written in any specified order, and their usage order is not changed. If an error is detected while writing a sector, this function puts the drive and sector numbers of the offending sector into q->error_drive and q->error sector, and saves the implementation-defined nonzero error code passed to it by (*drive_access)(). Then in continues flushing. When it has finished flushing, it returns an error code, if any was received. Otherwise, it returns zero. If more than one error was detected, it returns last error code, drive and sector. This function is implemented as a macro which generates a call on the function cache_flush_and_or_clear(). 6. Clearing the Cache --------------------- After a disk is changed, the cached sectors on that drive become invalid. The following function call informs the cache system of that fact: cache_clear(q, drive); struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block received from cache_initialize() int drive; drive to be cleared; if drive<0, all drives are cleared If the drive number is nonnegative, this function marks all cached sectors on the specified drive as empty. Sectors on other drives are not affected. If the drive number is negative, it marks all cached sectors on all drives as empty. THIS FUNCTION DOES NOT WRITE THE CACHED SECTORS TO DISK, EVEN IF THEY ARE DIRTY. This function is implemented as a macro which generates a call on the function cache_flush_and_or_clear(). 7. Flushing and Clearing the Cache ---------------------------------- Before a disk can be changed and removed, the dirty sectors must be written out, and the cached sectors on the drive must be marked as invalid. The following function call does that, either for a specified drive or for all drives: e = cache_flush_and_clear(q, drive); struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block received from cache_initialize() int drive; drive to be flushed and cleared; if drive<0, all drives are flushed and cleared unsigned e; zero for a successful operation, or an implementation-defined nonzero error code If the drive number is nonnegative, this function first finds all sectors assigned to the specified drive. It writes the dirty sectors to the specified drive and then marks both clean and dirty sectors as empty. Sectors on other drives are not affected. If the drive number is negative, it does the same thing to all sectors on all drives. The sectors are not written in any specified order. If an error is detected while writing a sector, this function puts the drive and sector numbers of the offending sector into q->error_drive and q->error sector, and saves the implementation-defined nonzero error code passed to it by (*drive_access)(). Then in continues flushing. When it has finished flushing, it returns an error code, if any was received. Otherwise, it returns zero. If more than one error was detected, it returns last error code, drive and sector. This function is equivalent to calls on cache_flush() and cache_clear(), but it is more efficient because it makes only a single pass through the cache. This function is implemented as a macro which generates a call on the function cache_flush_and_or_clear(). 8. Freeing the Cache -------------------- The following function calls free() to release all memory allocated for a cache: cache_free(q); struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block received from cache_initialize() 9. Sector Counts ---------------- The following cache control block members contain the current numbers of empty, clean and dirty sectors in the cache: unsigned q->empty; number of empty sectors in cache unsigned q->clean; number of clean sectors in cache unsigned q->dirty; number of dirty sectors in cache struct cache *q; pointer to cache control block received from cache_initialize() In some applications you may want to use these numbers to decide when to flush the cache. =============================== CACHE.H =============================== /* Reentrant Cache System 1.1 */ #ifndef _CACHE #define _CACHE struct cache_block { struct cache_block *next; unsigned short sector; unsigned char drive; unsigned char status; unsigned char data[1]; }; struct cache { unsigned short error_sector; unsigned short error_drive; unsigned short sector_size; unsigned (*drive_access)(int, unsigned, unsigned, void *); struct cache_block *first; struct cache_block *last; unsigned empty; unsigned clean; unsigned dirty; }; #define CACHE_FLUSH (1<<0) #define CACHE_CLEAR (1<<1) struct cache *cache_initialize(unsigned (*)(int, unsigned, unsigned, void *), unsigned, unsigned); unsigned cache_access(struct cache *, int, unsigned, unsigned, void *); unsigned cache_flush_and_or_clear(struct cache *, int, int); void cache_free(struct cache *); #define cache_flush(q,d) cache_flush_and_or_clear(q,d,CACHE_FLUSH) #define cache_clear(q,d) cache_flush_and_or_clear(q,d,CACHE_CLEAR) #define cache_flush_and_clear(q,d) \ cache_flush_and_or_clear(q,d,CACHE_FLUSH+CACHE_CLEAR) #endif =============================== FILES.C =============================== /* example of file access with RDCF 2.0 and CACHE 1.1 */ /* public domain - no restrictions on use */ /* Philip J. Erdelsky - January 15, 1993 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rdcf2.h" #include "cache.h" static unsigned drive_access(int write, unsigned drive, unsigned LSN, void *buffer) { _SI; _DI; return write ? abswrite(drive, 1, LSN, buffer) : absread(drive, 1, LSN, buffer); } struct cache *cache; static unsigned cached_drive_access(int write, unsigned drive, unsigned sector, void *buffer) { return write && drive > 1 ? 1 : cache_access(cache, write, drive, sector, buffer); } static char *ERROR_MESSAGE[] = { "NO ERROR ", "ACCESS DENIED ", "DIRECTORY CONFLICT ", "DIRECTORY FULL ", "DISK FORMAT ERROR ", "DRIVE ERROR ", "FILE FORMAT ERROR ", "INVALID DIRECTORY ", "INVALID SPEC ", "MODE ERROR ", "FILE NOT FOUND ", "RENAMING ERROR ", "SEEK OUT OF RANGE ", "UNRECOVERABLE FILE " }; static char HELP[] = " COPY source destination\n" " DATE file month-day-year hour:min:sec\n" " DEL file\n" " DIR directory\n" " DIRSORT directory\n" " EXIT\n" " HELP\n" " MD directory\n" " MCOPY files directory\n" " MOVE source destination\n" " RECOVER file\n" " REN old new\n" " TYPE file\n" " UNDEL file\n" " VOLUME name\n" " WIPE drive\n"; static void rdcf_error_message(int n) { if (n == RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR) printf("DRIVE ERROR ON DRIVE %c:\n", cache->error_drive + 'A'); else puts(ERROR_MESSAGE[-n]); } static void disk_write_error(void) { printf("Disk write error on drive %c:\n", cache->error_drive + 'A'); } void rdcf_get_date_and_time(struct rdcf_date_and_time *p) { struct date d; struct time t; int day; getdate(&d); day = d.da_day; gettime(&t); getdate(&d); if (day != d.da_day) gettime(&t); p->month = d.da_mon; p->day = d.da_day; p->year = d.da_year; p->hour = t.ti_hour; p->minute = t.ti_min; p->second = t.ti_sec; } static unsigned char scratch_buffer[RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE]; struct rdcf f = {scratch_buffer, cached_drive_access}; struct rdcf g = {scratch_buffer, cached_drive_access}; static char buffer[1024]; static void three_numbers(char *s, unsigned *n1, unsigned *n2, unsigned *n3) { if (isdigit(*s)) { *n1 = 0; do *n1 = 10 * (*n1) + *s++ - '0'; while (isdigit(*s)); } if (*s != 0) s++; if (isdigit(*s)) { *n2 = 0; do *n2 = 10 * (*n2) + *s++ - '0'; while (isdigit(*s)); } if (*s != 0) s++; if (isdigit(*s)) { *n3 = 0; do *n3 = 10 * (*n3) + *s++ - '0'; while (isdigit(*s)); } } static int break_flag; static void interrupt Ctrl_C_handler() {break_flag = 1;} static int copy(char *source, char *destination) { if (rdcf_open(&f, source, RDCF_READ)) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return 0; } if (rdcf_open(&g, destination, RDCF_CREATE)) { rdcf_error_message(g.result); return 0; } while (!break_flag) { int n = rdcf_read(&f, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (n<0) { rdcf_error_message(n); return 0; } if (n==0) break; n = rdcf_write(&g, buffer, n); if (n<0) { rdcf_error_message(n); return 0; } if (n==0) break; } rdcf_close(&f); rdcf_close(&g); rdcf_date_and_time(&g, destination, &f.file.date_and_time); return 1; } static char *directory_and_specs(char *directory, char *specs) { static char s[82]; char *p = s; int c; while (*directory != 0) c = *p++ = *directory++; if (c != ':') *p++ = '\\'; strcpy(p, specs); return s; } static void command(void) { char *arg[4]; { static struct { unsigned char capacity; unsigned char count; char text[70]; } buffer = {sizeof(buffer.text), 0, '\r'}; static char buffer2[sizeof(buffer.text)]; unsigned i; register char *p; fputs("FILES>", stdout); bdos(10, (unsigned)(&buffer), 0); bdos(2, '\n', 0); for (i=0, p=buffer2; i "); } else if (f.file.attribute & RDCF_VOLUME) { if (f.result == 0) count.volume.current++; else count.volume.deleted++; printf(" "); } else { if (f.result == 0) count.file.current++; else count.file.deleted++; printf("%8ld ", f.file.size); } printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c ", f.file.attribute&RDCF_ARCHIVE ? 'A' : ' ', f.file.attribute&RDCF_DIRECTORY ? 'D' : ' ', f.file.attribute&RDCF_HIDDEN ? 'H' : ' ', f.file.attribute&RDCF_READ_ONLY ? 'R' : ' ', f.file.attribute&RDCF_SYSTEM ? 'S' : ' ', f.file.attribute&RDCF_VOLUME ? 'V' : ' '); printf("%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d%s\n", f.file.date_and_time.month,, f.file.date_and_time.year, f.file.date_and_time.hour, f.file.date_and_time.minute, f.file.date_and_time.second, f.result == RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND ? " DELETED" : ""); } else { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } } while (rdcf_next_file_information(&f) != RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL && !break_flag); printf("\n current deleted total\n"); printf(" ------- ------- -------\n"); printf(" files %7d %7d %7d\n", count.file.current, count.file.deleted, count.file.current+count.file.deleted); printf(" directories %7d %7d %7d\n",,,; printf(" volume labels %7d %7d %7d\n", count.volume.current, count.volume.deleted, count.volume.current+count.volume.deleted); printf(" ------- ------- -------\n"); printf(" total %7d %7d %7d\n",,,; printf(" ======= ======= =======\n"); drive[0] = arg[1][0]; printf("\n %ld bytes free\n", rdcf_free_space(&f, drive)); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"DIRSORT")==0) { int mode = RDCF_NAME_EXTENSION; char *p = arg[2]; if (*p == 'E') mode = RDCF_EXTENSION_NAME; else if (*p == 'D') mode = RDCF_DATE_TIME; else if (*p == 'S') mode = RDCF_SIZE; if (*p != 0 && *++p == 'R') mode += RDCF_REVERSE; if (rdcf_sort_directory(&f, arg[1], mode)) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"EXIT")==0) { if (cache_flush_and_clear(cache, -1)) disk_write_error(); bdos(13,0,0); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"HELP")==0) puts(HELP); else if (strcmp(arg[0],"MD")==0) { if (rdcf_directory(&f, arg[1]) != 0) rdcf_error_message(f.result); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"MOVE")==0) { if (rdcf_move(&f, arg[1], arg[2]) != 0) rdcf_error_message(f.result); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"MCOPY")==0) { unsigned k = 0; unsigned number_of_files = 0; char *old_directory = arg[1]; char *pattern = NULL; /* find end of directory path */ { char *p; for (p = arg[1]; *p != 0; p++) if (*p == ':' || *p == '\\') pattern = p; } old_directory = arg[1]; if (pattern == NULL) { puts("Invalid specifications or missing pattern"); return; } if (*pattern == ':') { old_directory--; old_directory[0] = old_directory[1]; old_directory[1] = ':'; } *pattern++ = 0; if (*pattern == 0) { puts("Missing pattern\n"); return; } break_flag = 0; while (rdcf_get_file_information(&f, old_directory, k++) != RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL && !break_flag) { if (f.result != RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND && (f.file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY+RDCF_VOLUME) == 0 && rdcf_match(f.file.spec, pattern)) { static char old_specs[82]; strcpy(old_specs, directory_and_specs(old_directory, f.file.spec)); printf("%s --> %s\n", old_specs, directory_and_specs(arg[2], f.file.spec)); if (!copy(old_specs, directory_and_specs(arg[2], f.file.spec))) return; number_of_files++; if (cache->dirty >= cache->empty+cache->clean && cache_flush(cache, -1)) { disk_write_error(); return; } } } printf("%d file(s) copied\n", number_of_files); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"RECOVER")==0) { if (rdcf_recover(&f, arg[1]) != 0) rdcf_error_message(f.result); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"REN")==0) { if (rdcf_rename(&f, arg[1], arg[2]) != 0) rdcf_error_message(f.result); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"TYPE")==0) { if (rdcf_open(&f, arg[1], RDCF_READ)) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } break_flag = 0; while (!break_flag) { int n = rdcf_read(&f, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (n<0) { rdcf_error_message(n); return; } if (n==0) break; _write(1, buffer, n); } fputs("\n", stdout); rdcf_close(&f); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"UNDEL")==0) { if (rdcf_open(&f, arg[1], RDCF_READ) == 0) { printf("File exists and is not deleted\n"); return; } if (f.result != RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } if (rdcf_undelete(&f, arg[1])) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } printf("File was %s recovered\n", f.position == 0 ? "fully" : "partly"); } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"VOLUME")==0) { if (*arg[2] == 0) { if (rdcf_get_volume(&f, arg[1]) == RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { printf("No volume label\n"); } else if (f.result != 0) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } else printf("Volume label is %s\n", f.file.spec); } else { char s[132]; strcpy(s, arg[1]); strcpy(s+2, arg[2]); if (rdcf_set_volume(&f, s) != 0) { rdcf_error_message(f.result); return; } } } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"WIPE")==0) { if (rdcf_wipe_drive(&f, arg[1])) rdcf_error_message(f.result); } else if (*arg[0] != 0) puts("?????"); } void main() { unsigned n; for (n = 80; n > 0 ; n -= 10) { cache = cache_initialize(drive_access, n, RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE); if (cache != NULL) { int input_from_device = ioctl(0, 0) & 0x80; setvect(0x23, Ctrl_C_handler); printf("Using %d cache buffers\n", n); while (1) { command(); if (input_from_device) { if (cache_flush_and_clear(cache, -1)) disk_write_error(); } else { if (cache->dirty >= cache->empty+cache->clean && cache_flush(cache, -1)) { disk_write_error(); return; } } } } } puts("Insufficient memory"); } =============================== FILES.DOC =============================== FILES - A Small File and Directory Manipulation Utility for DOS by Philip J. Erdelsky January 15, 1993 PUBLIC DOMAIN -- NO RESTRICTIONS ON USE 1. Introduction --------------- The FILES utility is a small file and directory manipulation utility for DOS (versions 2.00 and later). It was written mainly to test RDCF 2.0 and duplicates a number of DOS internal and external commands, but it adds enough functions to DOS to be useful in itself. Here is what you can do with the FILES utility that you cannot do with DOS commands alone: (1) You can see hidden, system and deleted files and volume labels in directory listings. (You can see hidden and system files, but not deleted files, with DOS 5.0.) (2) You can change the date and time of a file, directory or volume label. (3) You can sort a directory. (4) You can restore a deleted file, if the file is not fragmented and has not been overwritten. (5) You can move a file or subdirectory from one directory to another without copying its data. (6) You can recover remnants of deleted files in the empty data clusters. (7) You can wipe out remnants of deleted files in empty data clusters so they cannot be recovered later. Some of these things can't be done even by special programs that issue DOS calls. The FILES utility can do them only because it goes around the DOS file system and accesses the disk on a sector-by-sector basis. The FILES utility works with diskettes and hard disk partitions smaller than 32 megabytes. It will not work with larger partitions, such as those used by DOS 4.00 and later versions of DOS, and it will not work with LAN drives. IMPORTANT: The FILES utility does not recognize any current drive or subdirectory. You will have to type an explicit drive specification for every file, and, for a file not in the root directory, a complete directory path. Contrary to the usual DOS practice, the directory path must NOT begin with a backslash. Sorry about that. The FILES utility and its source code are in the public domain, but the RDCF 2.0 file package is copyrighted. If you want to make changes to the FILES utility for your own use, you will have to obtain RDCF 2.0. You may make copies for your own use, but commercial use of RDCF 2.0 requires permission. You will also need a third package called the Reentrant Cache System 1.1, but that is also in the public domain. The current version of the FILES utility treats drives other than A: and B: as read-only. You can change that if you know what you're doing. 2. Bringing up the FILES Utility -------------------------------- The FILES utility resides in the file FILES.EXE. Copy this file from the distribution diskette, or download it from a BBS. Make sure the file FILES.EXE is in the current directory, or in a directory made accessible by the DOS PATH command, and type FILES in response to the DOS prompt. The FILES utility will then display its prompt: FILES> Enter FILES commands just as you would enter DOS commands, using the backspace key to make corrections. If you have installed a DOS command line editor, it will probably work with the FILES utility because the utility uses the same DOS system call (number 10) as the DOS command line interpreter. It is presumed that you are reasonably conversant with DOS commands. You can execute FILES commands from a file by simply redirecting the file to the FILES utility as its standard input; e.g., FILES prompt. Here is what you'll see: COPY source destination DATE file month-day-year hour:min:sec DEL file DIR directory DIRSORT directory EXIT HELP MD directory MCOPY files directory MOVE source destination RECOVER file REN old new TYPE file UNDEL file VOLUME name WIPE drive 2.1. COPY - Copy a File ----------------------- The FILES command COPY source destination copies one file to another, just the way DOS does. However, you cannot copy multiple files, and you must supply complete file specifications. For example, to copy the file FOO.C from drive A: to the subdirectory \PROG on drive B:, you must type COPY A:FOO.C B:PROG\FOO.C For file copying, you'll probably prefer to use DOS. 2.2. DATE - Change the Date and Time of a File, Directory or Volume ------------------------------------------------------------------- The FILES command DATE file month-day-year hour:min:sec changes the date and time of a file or subdirectory. The date and time are expressed in numerical form, and a 24-hour clock is used. To change the date and time of the file A:FOO.C to September 15, 1992, 3:15 PM, type DATE A:FOO.C 9-15-92 15:13:00 If the file specifications represent a subdirectory, its date and time will be changed. That's something DOS won't do! If you use a drive specification only, the date and time of the volume label will be changed. 2.3 DEL - Delete a File, Directory or Volume -------------------------------------------- The FILES command DEL file deletes the specified file. If the file specifications represent a subdirectory, it deletes the subdirectory (provided it is empty). Hence it does the work of both the DOS DEL and RD commands. If you use a drive specification only, the volume label will be deleted. 2.4. DIR - Directory Listing ---------------------------- The FILES command DIR directory lists the contents of the specified directory, including volume labels, hidden and system files, subdirectories and deleted volume labels, files and subdirectories. If you use a drive specification only, contents of the root directory will be displayed. To pause the display, type Ctrl-S; to abort the display, type Ctrl-C. 2.5. DIRSORT - Sort a Directory ------------------------------- The FILES command DIRSORT directory mode sorts the entries in the specified directory in the specified manner. The mode may be any ONE of the following: mode manner of sort ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- E sort by extension, then among files that have the same extension, sort by name D sort by date and time (earlier files first) N sort by name, then among files that have the same name, sort by extension S sort by size (smallest files first) The letter R may be appended to any of these modes to sort in the opposite order. For example, SR sorts the files by size, but it puts the largest files first. If you omit the mode, N is presumed. Actually, before the FILES utility sorts the directory entries, it first divides them into five groups and arranges them in the following order: (1) The two system files at the beginning of the root directory and the two special files "." and ".." at the beginning of a subdirectory are always left where they are. (2) The volume label, if any, is put next. (3) The subdirectory entries, if any, are sorted and put next. (4) The file entries are sorted and put next. (5) The entries for deleted files, volume labels and subdirectories, if any, are sorted and put last. Within each category, if two entries are identical according to the sorting criterion, their relative position is left unchanged. If you supply only a drive specification, the root directory will be sorted. The sorting algorithm is fairly unsophisticated, so sorting a long subdirectory may take quite some time. Please be patient. 2.6. EXIT - Return to DOS ------------------------- The following FILES command returns control to DOS: EXIT If you redirect commands from a file to the FILES utility, be sure to end it with an EXIT command. Otherwise, the utility will hang up at the end of the file and you'll have to reboot to regain control of your computer. 2.7. HELP - Display a List of FILES Commands -------------------------------------------- The following FILES command displays a list of FILES commands: HELP 2.8. MD - Make Directory ------------------------ The FILES command MD directory creates the specified directory, just like the corresponding DOS command. 2.9. MOVE - Move a File or Subdirectory --------------------------------------- The FILES command MOVE source destination moves the source file to the destination file. Since it is not possible to move a file from one drive to another with this command, the destination file specifications must NOT contain a drive specification. For example, to move the file FOO.C from the root directory to the subdirectory PROG on drive B:, type MOVE B:FOO.C PROG\FOO.C The effect of this command is the same (in almost all cases) as the following two commands, but it is much more efficient because the data is not copied: COPY source destination DEL source (Slight differences occur when the disk is nearly full. The COPY-DEL sequence may fail for lack of disk space but MOVE will succeed.) You can rename a file as you move it merely by giving it a different name in the new directory. You could also use this command to rename a file without moving it, but it would be less efficient than the REN command and might fail for lack of directory space when then REN command wouldn't. If the source file specifications represent a subdirectory, it and all of the files and subdirectories in it will be moved. That's something that DOS won't do, and it can be quite handy. However, be sure not to corrupt the file system by moving a directory into itself or one of its own subdirectories. The FILES utility won't protect you from such folly. 2.10. RECOVER - Recover Deleted File Remnants in Empty Clusters --------------------------------------------------------------- The FILES command RECOVER file creates the specified file as a new file, gathers all the empty data clusters on drive and links them together as the new file contents. The new file will then contain all the data from deleted files and subdirectories that has not been reused by other files or subdirectories. If you want to use a text editor or word processor on the new file to find the desired information, you will probably have to copy the file to another disk or a hard drive that has room for the temporary and backup files that most text editors and word processors require. For obvious reasons, there won't be any room on the same disk! The new file must not be the same as an existing file. It may reside in a subdirectory, but the FILES utility will not lengthen the subdirectory to accommodate it, since that would destroy some of the information that you want to recover. 2.11. REN - Rename a File ------------------------- The FILES command REN old new renames a file, without moving it to another directory or drive. The new file specifications may include a name and extension only. For example, the following command changes the file A:PROG\FOO.C into A:PROG\BAH.C: REN A:PROG\FOO.C BAH.C 2.12. TYPE - Display a File --------------------------- The FILES command TYPE file displays the contents of a file. To pause the display, type Ctrl-S; to abort the display, type Ctrl-C. 2.13. UNDEL - Undelete a File ----------------------------- The FILES command UNDEL file attempts to restore a deleted file. The FILES utility will tell you whether the file is unrecoverable, partly recoverable or fully recoverable. Even if the file appears to have been fully recovered, there is no guarantee that the original file contents have been restored. For example, if another file has been written over the original contents and then deleted, there is no way that the FILES utility can determine that the original contents have been changed. Even if this has not happened, the FILES utility may not know exactly where to look for the contents. It just does the best it can. 2.14. VOLUME - Add or Change Volume Label ----------------------------------------- The FILES command VOLUME drive: displays the volume label for the specified drive, or tells you that the drive has no volume label. The FILES command VOLUME drive: label changes the volume label on the specified drive to the specified text, or adds a new volume label with the specified text. DOS file and directory names and extensions are case-insensitive, but the same is NOT true of volume labels. They can contain small letters, spaces and some special characters. Command syntax will prevent you from embedding a space in a volume label, even though DOS might permit it on a disk. 2.15. WIPE - Wipe Empty Data Clusters ------------------------------------- The FILES command WIPE d: writes nonsense into all unused data clusters on the specified drive, so any remnants of deleted files on the drive cannot be recovered by either the UNDEL or the RECOVER command. CAUTION: If the drive uses data clusters consisting of more than one sector, there may be some remnants of deleted files in the last clusters of files that are not long enough to occupy all sectors of their last clusters. These little snippets of information cannot be recovered by the FILES utility, but they can be recovered by more sophisticated utilities. =============================== RDCF2.C =============================== /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDCF: A Reentrant DOS-Compatible File System, Version 2.0 Public Domain - No Restrictions on Use by Philip J. Erdelsky January 15, 1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* #define _BIG_ENDIAN */ #include "rdcf2.h" #include #include #include #define NAME_SIZE 8 #define EXTENSION_SIZE 3 /* Directory structure as it appears on the diskette. */ struct directory { unsigned char name_extension[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE]; unsigned char attribute; unsigned char reserved[10]; unsigned short time; unsigned short date; unsigned short first_cluster; unsigned long size; }; #ifdef RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE #define SECTOR_SIZE RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE #else #define SECTOR_SIZE f->sector_size #endif #define ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR (SECTOR_SIZE/sizeof(struct directory)) #define NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX 0xFFFF /* Special values for first byte of name. */ #define END_DIRECTORY 0x00 #define DELETED_FILE 0xE5 /* Special values for FAT entries. */ #define EMPTY_CLUSTER 0 #define RESERVED_CLUSTER_12_BIT 0xFF0 #define LAST_CLUSTER_12_BIT 0xFF8 #define LAST_CLUSTER_16_BIT 0xFFF8 /* buffer status */ enum buffer_status {EMPTY, CLEAN, DIRTY}; /* additional mode bit */ #define WRITTEN (1<<7) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout of first sector when read into buffer[]. A simple structure would not be portable because some words are not aligned on even addresses. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BYTES_PER_SECTOR (buffer[11]|buffer[12]<<8) #define SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER buffer[13] #define RESERVED_SECTORS (buffer[14]|buffer[15]<<8) #define NUMBER_OF_FATS buffer[16] #define ROOT_ENTRIES (buffer[17]|buffer[18]<<8) #define TOTAL_SECTORS (buffer[19]|buffer[20]<<8) #define MEDIA_DESCRIPTOR buffer[21] #define SECTORS_PER_FAT (buffer[22]|buffer[23]<<8) #define SECTORS_PER_TRACK (buffer[24]|buffer[25]<<8) #define HEADS (buffer[26]|buffer[27]<<8) #define HIDDEN_SECTORS (buffer[28]|buffer[29]<<8) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following functions and macros convert words and double words from "big endian" to "little endian" form or vice-versa. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN static void swap_two(unsigned char *p) { unsigned char x = p[0]; p[0] = p[1]; p[1] = x; } static void swap_four(unsigned char *p) { unsigned char x = p[0]; p[0] = p[3]; p[3] = x; swap_two(p+1); } #define convert_short(x) swap_two((unsigned char *)(&(x))) #define convert_long(x) swap_four((unsigned char *)(&(x))) #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function calls longjmp() to specify an error code and exit from the RDCF function originally called. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void error_exit(struct rdcf *f, int error) { longjmp(f->error, error); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads or writes a sector and bails out if the function (*drive_access)() returns an error. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void access_sector(struct rdcf *f, int write, unsigned sector, void *buffer) { f->drive_error = (*f->drive_access)(write, f->drive, sector, buffer); if (f->drive_error != 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These macros make the calls on access_sector() more readable. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define read_sector(f,s,b) access_sector(f,0,s,b) #define write_sector(f,s,b) access_sector(f,1,s,b) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function writes the buffer in the FCB if it is marked as "dirty". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void flush_buffer(struct rdcf *f) { if (f->buffer_status == DIRTY) { write_sector(f, f->sector_in_buffer, f->buffer); f->buffer_status = CLEAN; } } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads a sector into the buffer in the FCB, if it is not already there. If another sector is there, the buffer is first flushed. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void read_buffer(struct rdcf *f, unsigned sector) { if (f->buffer_status == EMPTY || sector != f->sector_in_buffer) { #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY flush_buffer(f); #endif read_sector(f, sector, f->buffer); f->sector_in_buffer = sector; f->buffer_status = CLEAN; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function checks to see if a cluster number is valid and declares an error if it is not. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void check_cluster(struct rdcf *f, unsigned cluster) { if (cluster < 2 || cluster > f->maximum_cluster_number) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function returns the FAT entry for the specified cluster. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned FAT_entry(struct rdcf *f, unsigned cluster) { check_cluster(f, cluster); if (f->maximum_cluster_number < RESERVED_CLUSTER_12_BIT) { unsigned byte_index = cluster + (cluster>>1); unsigned char p[2]; read_buffer(f, f->first_FAT_sector + byte_index/SECTOR_SIZE); p[0] = f->buffer[byte_index%SECTOR_SIZE]; byte_index++; read_buffer(f, f->first_FAT_sector + byte_index/SECTOR_SIZE); p[1] = f->buffer[byte_index%SECTOR_SIZE]; return cluster&1 ? p[1]<<4 | p[0]>>4 : p[0] | p[1]<<8&0xF00; } else { unsigned short x; read_buffer(f, f->first_FAT_sector + cluster/(SECTOR_SIZE/2)); x = ((unsigned short *)(f->buffer))[cluster%(SECTOR_SIZE/2)]; #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN convert_short(x); #endif return x; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function sets the FAT entry for the specified cluster to the specified value. The 12-bit FAT entry always occupies two consecutive bytes, filling one byte completely and filling only one nibble of the other byte. Since these bytes may be in different sectors, two separate calls on read_buffer() are used. The one-sector caching implemented by read_buffer() prevents multiple disk accesses when both bytes are in the same sector. Every copy of the FAT is updated in the same way. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void set_FAT_entry(struct rdcf *f, unsigned cluster, unsigned x) { unsigned sector; check_cluster(f, cluster); #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN if (f->maximum_cluster_number >= RESERVED_CLUSTER_12_BIT) convert_short(x); #endif for (sector = f->first_FAT_sector; sector < f->first_directory_sector; sector += f->sectors_per_FAT) { if (f->maximum_cluster_number < RESERVED_CLUSTER_12_BIT) { unsigned byte_index = cluster + (cluster>>1); unsigned char *p; read_buffer(f, sector + byte_index/SECTOR_SIZE); p = f->buffer + byte_index%SECTOR_SIZE; *p = cluster&1 ? *p&0x0F | x<<4 : x; f->buffer_status = DIRTY; read_buffer(f, sector + (byte_index+1)/SECTOR_SIZE); p = f->buffer + (byte_index+1)%SECTOR_SIZE; *p = cluster&1 ? x>>4 : *p&0xF0 | x>>8; } else { read_buffer(f, sector + cluster/(SECTOR_SIZE/2)); ((unsigned short *)(f->buffer))[cluster%(SECTOR_SIZE/2)] = x; } f->buffer_status = DIRTY; } } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function checks the value of c (which is always in the range from 0 to 255, inclusive). If it represents a character that cannot appear in a valid file name or extension, it bails out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void check_file_character(struct rdcf *f, unsigned c) { static unsigned char table[32] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x05, 0xDC, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; if (table[c>>3] & 1<<(c&7)) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function edits a file or directory spec into the name-extension form used in the file directory entry. It returns a pointer to the character following the last one of the spec. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *spec_to_name_extension(struct rdcf *f, unsigned char *name_extension, unsigned char *spec) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned c; while ((c=(*spec++))!=0 && c!='\\' && c!='.') { check_file_character(f,c); if (ifirst_data_sector + (cluster-2) * f->sectors_per_cluster; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function finds the directory entry referred to by f->directory_cluster and f->directory_index, reads it into f->buffer, and returns a pointer to it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct directory *find_directory(struct rdcf *f) { read_buffer(f, (f->directory_cluster == 0 ? f->first_directory_sector : first_sector_in_cluster(f, f->directory_cluster)) + f->directory_index/ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR); return (struct directory *)(f->buffer) + f->directory_index%ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function updates a directory entry. If the "delete_entry" parameter is true (nonzero), it also marks the entry as deleted. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void update_directory_entry(struct rdcf *f, int delete_entry) { unsigned i; struct directory *d = find_directory(f); if (f->file.attribute & RDCF_VOLUME || f->file.spec[0] == '.') memcpy(d->name_extension, f->file.spec, NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE); else spec_to_name_extension(f, d->name_extension, f->file.spec); if (delete_entry) d->name_extension[0] = DELETED_FILE; d->attribute = f->file.attribute; d->date = (f->file.date_and_time.year-1980)<<9 | f->file.date_and_time.month<<5 | f->; d->time = f->file.date_and_time.hour<<11 | f->file.date_and_time.minute<<5 | f->file.date_and_time.second>>1; d->first_cluster = f->file.first_cluster; d->size = f->file.size; memset(d->reserved, 0, sizeof(d->reserved)); #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN convert_short(d->date); convert_short(d->time); convert_short(d->first_cluster); convert_long(d->size); #endif f->buffer_status = DIRTY; } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads directory information into an FCB. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void read_directory_entry(struct rdcf *f) { struct directory *d = find_directory(f); if (d->attribute&RDCF_VOLUME) { memcpy(f->file.spec, d->name_extension, NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE); f->file.spec[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE] = 0; } else name_extension_to_spec(f->file.spec, d->name_extension); f->file.attribute = d->attribute; { unsigned short date = d->date; #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN convert_short(date); #endif f->file.date_and_time.year = (date>>9)+1980; f->file.date_and_time.month = date>>5&0xF; f-> = date&0x1F; } { unsigned short time = d->time; #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN convert_short(time); #endif f->file.date_and_time.hour = time>>11; f->file.date_and_time.minute = time>>5&0x3F; f->file.date_and_time.second = time<<1&0x1F<<1; } f->file.first_cluster = d->first_cluster; f->file.size = d->size; #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN convert_short(f->file.first_cluster); convert_long(f->file.size); #endif } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the parameter "name_extension" is not NULL, this function looks up the name and extension in the directory specified by f->directory_cluster (the entire root directory if f->directory_cluster == 0). If found, it puts the appropriate information into the file structure and returns a true (nonzero) result. If not found, it returns a false (zero) value and also puts the cluster and index of the first empty entry, if any, into f->directory_cluster and f->directory_index. In any case, the name and extension are left in f->file.spec, and the first directory cluster is left in f->directory_first_cluster. If the parameter name_extension is NULL, this function looks up the volume label in the same way (although in this case the calling function looks only in the root directory, of course). If the file or volume label is not found and there is no empty entry, the special value NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX is left in f->directory_index. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(struct rdcf *f, unsigned char *name_extension) { unsigned empty_cluster; unsigned empty_index = NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX; unsigned number_of_directory_entries = f->directory_cluster == 0 ? (f->first_data_sector - f->first_directory_sector)*ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR : ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR*f->sectors_per_cluster; f->directory_first_cluster = f->directory_cluster; while (1) { for (f->directory_index = 0; f->directory_index < number_of_directory_entries; f->directory_index++) { unsigned j; struct directory *d = find_directory(f); if ((d->name_extension[0] == DELETED_FILE || d->name_extension[0] == END_DIRECTORY) && empty_index == NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX) { empty_cluster = f->directory_cluster; empty_index = f->directory_index; } if (d->name_extension[0] == END_DIRECTORY) break; if (name_extension == NULL && (d->name_extension[0] != DELETED_FILE && d->attribute & RDCF_VOLUME) || name_extension != NULL && (memcmp(d->name_extension, name_extension, NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE) == 0 && (d->attribute&RDCF_VOLUME) == 0)) { read_directory_entry(f); return 1; } } if (f->directory_index < number_of_directory_entries || f->directory_cluster == 0) { break; } { unsigned x = FAT_entry(f, f->directory_cluster); if (x >= f->last_cluster_mark) break; f->directory_cluster = x; } } f->directory_index = empty_index; if (f->directory_index != NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX) f->directory_cluster = empty_cluster; if (name_extension != NULL) name_extension_to_spec(f->file.spec, name_extension); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function follows the directory path and finds the directory entry for the file (or directory) with the spec provided. If found, it reads the directory information into the FCB and returns a true (nonzero) value. Otherwise, it returns a false (zero) value and also puts the cluster and index of the first available directory entry, if any, into f->directory_cluster and f->directory_index. If there is no available directory entry, it puts the special value NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX into f->directory_index. In any case, the number of the first cluster of the directory is left in f->directory_first_cluster and the name and extension are left in f->file.spec. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int find_file(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { /* start with root directory */ f->directory_cluster = 0; while (1) { int found; unsigned char name_extension[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE]; /* scan name and extension */ spec = spec_to_name_extension(f, name_extension, spec); /* look it up in directory */ found = find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, name_extension); /* if this is the end of the file specification, return */ if (*spec == 0) return found; /* otherwise, the name and extension were a subdirectory in the path */ if (!found || (f->file.attribute&RDCF_DIRECTORY) == 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY); f->directory_cluster = f->file.first_cluster; /* skip over the \ after the subdirectory */ spec++; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads the file system information from the first sector. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void read_file_system_information(struct rdcf *f) { unsigned total_sectors; unsigned i; unsigned char *buffer = f->buffer; read_buffer(f, 0); /* make a perfunctory sanity check to prevent later division by zero */ if ((total_sectors = TOTAL_SECTORS) == 0 || #ifdef RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE BYTES_PER_SECTOR != SECTOR_SIZE || #else (SECTOR_SIZE = BYTES_PER_SECTOR) == 0 || #endif (f->first_FAT_sector = RESERVED_SECTORS) == 0 || (f->sectors_per_FAT = SECTORS_PER_FAT) == 0 || (f->sectors_per_cluster = SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER) == 0) { error_exit(f, RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR); } f->first_directory_sector = f->first_FAT_sector + f->sectors_per_FAT * NUMBER_OF_FATS; f->first_data_sector = f->first_directory_sector + ROOT_ENTRIES/ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; f->maximum_cluster_number = (total_sectors-f->first_data_sector) / SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER + 1; f->last_cluster_mark = f->maximum_cluster_number < RESERVED_CLUSTER_12_BIT ? LAST_CLUSTER_12_BIT : LAST_CLUSTER_16_BIT; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function gets the drive specifications and returns a pointer to the character following the drive specifications. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE static char *get_drive(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { if (spec[0] != 0 && spec[1] == ':') { if (isalpha(spec[0])) f->drive = toupper(spec[0])-'A'; else error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); return spec + 2; } error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function scans the file spec and sets up the file control block for further file operations. It returns a pointer to the character following the drive specifications. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *initialize_fcb(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE spec = get_drive(f, spec); #endif f->buffer_status = EMPTY; read_file_system_information(f); return spec; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function checks write access and generates an error if write access is denied. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void check_write_access(struct rdcf *f) { if (f->file.attribute & (RDCF_READ_ONLY+RDCF_HIDDEN+RDCF_SYSTEM)) error_exit(f, RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED); } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function releases all the FAT entries of a file. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void release_FAT_entries(struct rdcf *f) { unsigned j; j = f->file.first_cluster; if (j != EMPTY_CLUSTER) { while (j < f->last_cluster_mark) { unsigned k = FAT_entry(f,j); set_FAT_entry(f,j,EMPTY_CLUSTER); j = k; } } f->mode |= WRITTEN; } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function finds a new cluster, if possible, and adds it to a chain ending with the specified cluster. It returns the new cluster number, or EMPTY_CLUSTER if there are no free clusters. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned add_new_cluster(struct rdcf *f, unsigned cluster, unsigned first_possibly_empty_cluster) { unsigned new_cluster; for (new_cluster = first_possibly_empty_cluster; new_cluster <= f->maximum_cluster_number; new_cluster++) { if (FAT_entry(f, new_cluster)==EMPTY_CLUSTER) break; } if (new_cluster > f->maximum_cluster_number) return EMPTY_CLUSTER; if (cluster != EMPTY_CLUSTER) set_FAT_entry(f, cluster, new_cluster); set_FAT_entry(f, new_cluster, f->last_cluster_mark); return new_cluster; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function writes zeros into a cluster. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void clear_cluster(struct rdcf *f, unsigned cluster) { unsigned count = f->sectors_per_cluster; unsigned sector = first_sector_in_cluster(f, cluster); flush_buffer(f); f->buffer_status = EMPTY; memset(f->buffer, 0, SECTOR_SIZE); do write_sector(f, sector++, f->buffer); while (--count != 0); } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function adds another cluster to the directory if necessary to accommodate a new file or subdirectory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void lengthen_directory_if_necessary(struct rdcf *f) { if (f->directory_index == NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX) { if (f->directory_cluster == 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); f->directory_cluster = add_new_cluster(f, f->directory_cluster, 2); if (f->directory_cluster == 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); f->directory_index = 0; clear_cluster(f, f->directory_cluster); } } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When f represents a subdirectory, this function updates the . and .. entries at the beginning of its first cluster. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY static void update_dot_and_dot_dot(struct rdcf *f) { f->directory_cluster = f->file.first_cluster; f->directory_index = 0; memset(f->file.spec, ' ', NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE); f->file.spec[0] = '.'; update_directory_entry(f, 0); f->file.first_cluster = f->directory_first_cluster; f->directory_index = 1; f->file.spec[1] = '.'; update_directory_entry(f, 0); } #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function contains the common code from rdcf_get_file_information() and rdcf_set_file_information(). It finds the directory entry specified by the spec and index, and puts its cluster and index into f->directory_cluster and f->directory_index. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void find_entry(struct rdcf *f, char *spec, unsigned index) { spec = initialize_fcb(f, spec); if (*spec == 0) { if (index >= (f->first_data_sector - f->first_directory_sector)*ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR) { error_exit(f, RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); } f->directory_first_cluster = f->directory_cluster = 0; } else { if (!find_file(f, spec) || (f->file.attribute&RDCF_DIRECTORY) == 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY); f->directory_first_cluster = f->directory_cluster = f->file.first_cluster; while (index >= ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR*f->sectors_per_cluster) { f->directory_cluster = FAT_entry(f, f->directory_cluster); if (f->directory_cluster >= f->last_cluster_mark) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); index -= ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR*f->sectors_per_cluster; } } f->directory_index = index; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function is called by rdcf_sort_directory() to determine the class of a directory entry. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int entry_class(struct directory *d) { enum {VOLUME_ENTRY, DIRECTORY_ENTRY, FILE_ENTRY, ERASED_ENTRY}; return d->name_extension[0] == DELETED_FILE ? ERASED_ENTRY : d->attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY ? DIRECTORY_ENTRY : d->attribute & RDCF_VOLUME ? VOLUME_ENTRY : FILE_ENTRY; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function is called by rdcf_sort_directory() to compare two four-byte fields. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int compare_four_bytes(unsigned char *p, unsigned char *q) { int i, n; for (i=3; i>=0 && (n=p[i]-q[i]) == 0; i--); return n; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following functions are publicly defined. They do not call each other and any of them may be removed without making changes to those that remain. The functions are defined in alphabetical order. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY #define CHANGEABLE_ATTRIBUTES \ (RDCF_ARCHIVE+RDCF_HIDDEN+RDCF_READ_ONLY+RDCF_SYSTEM) int rdcf_attribute(struct rdcf *f, char *spec, unsigned attribute) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; if (!find_file(f, initialize_fcb(f, spec)) || f->file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY) { error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } f->file.attribute = f->file.attribute & ~CHANGEABLE_ATTRIBUTES | attribute & CHANGEABLE_ATTRIBUTES; update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_close(struct rdcf *f) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; if (f->mode&WRITTEN) { f->buffer_status = EMPTY; f->file.attribute |= RDCF_ARCHIVE; rdcf_get_date_and_time(&f->file.date_and_time); update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); } return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_date_and_time(struct rdcf *f, char *spec, struct rdcf_date_and_time *p) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; spec = initialize_fcb(f, spec); if (*spec == 0) { f->directory_cluster = 0; if (!find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, NULL)) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } else { if (!find_file(f, spec)) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } f->file.date_and_time = *p; if ((f->file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY+RDCF_VOLUME) == 0) { check_write_access(f); f->file.attribute |= RDCF_ARCHIVE; } update_directory_entry(f, 0); if (f->file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY) update_dot_and_dot_dot(f); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_delete(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; spec = initialize_fcb(f, spec); if (*spec == 0) /* delete volume label */ { if (!find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, NULL)) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } else if (!find_file(f, spec)) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); /* check to see that a directory is empty before deleting it */ else if (f->file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY) { unsigned cluster = f->file.first_cluster; while (cluster != EMPTY_CLUSTER && cluster < f->last_cluster_mark) { unsigned sector = first_sector_in_cluster(f, cluster); unsigned sector_count = f->sectors_per_cluster; unsigned next_cluster = FAT_entry(f, cluster); do { unsigned entry_count = ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; unsigned char *p = f->buffer; read_buffer(f, sector); do { unsigned c = *p; if (c == END_DIRECTORY) break; if (c != DELETED_FILE && c != '.') error_exit(f, RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED); p += sizeof(struct directory); } while (--entry_count != 0); if (entry_count != 0) break; } while (--sector_count != 0); cluster = next_cluster; } } else check_write_access(f); release_FAT_entries(f); update_directory_entry(f, 1); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_directory(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { /* unsigned char name_extension[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE]; ??? */ if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; if (find_file(f, initialize_fcb(f, spec))) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT); /* spec_to_name_extension(f, name_extension, f->file.spec); ??? */ /* name_extension_to_spec(f->file.spec, name_extension); ??? */ /* determine whether there is enough free space for directory */ { unsigned cluster = 2; unsigned required_clusters = f->directory_index == NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX ? 2 : 1; for (cluster = 2; required_clusters != 0; cluster++) { if (cluster > f->maximum_cluster_number) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); if (FAT_entry(f, cluster)==EMPTY_CLUSTER) required_clusters--; } } lengthen_directory_if_necessary(f); f->file.attribute = RDCF_DIRECTORY; f->file.first_cluster = add_new_cluster(f, EMPTY_CLUSTER, 2); clear_cluster(f, f->file.first_cluster); f->file.size = 0L; rdcf_get_date_and_time(&f->file.date_and_time); update_directory_entry(f, 0); update_dot_and_dot_dot(f); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_360 = { 0,2,2,1,0,2,112,0,208,2,253,2,0,9,0,2,0,0,0 }; struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_720 = { 0,2,2,1,0,2,112,0,160,5,249,3,0,9,0,2,0,0,0 }; struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_1200 = { 0,2,1,1,0,2,224,0,96,9,249,7,0,15,0,2,0,0,0 }; struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_1440 = { 0,2,1,1,0,2,224,0,64,11,240,9,0,18,0,2,0,0,0 }; int rdcf_format(struct rdcf *f, #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE char *spec, #endif struct rdcf_format *format) { static char bootstrap_header[] = { 235,254,144,'R','D','C','F','2','0',' ',' ' }; unsigned char *buffer = f->buffer; unsigned char media_descriptor; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE if (*get_drive(f, spec) != 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); #endif memset(buffer, 0, SECTOR_SIZE); memcpy(buffer, bootstrap_header, sizeof(bootstrap_header)); memcpy(buffer + sizeof(bootstrap_header), format, sizeof(struct rdcf_format)); buffer[SECTOR_SIZE-2] = 0x55; buffer[SECTOR_SIZE-1] = 0xAA; write_sector(f, 0, buffer); f->buffer_status = CLEAN; f->sector_in_buffer = 0; read_file_system_information(f); media_descriptor = MEDIA_DESCRIPTOR; memset(buffer, 0, SECTOR_SIZE); { unsigned sector = f->first_FAT_sector; while (sector < f->first_directory_sector) { unsigned count = f->sectors_per_FAT; buffer[0] = media_descriptor; buffer[1] = buffer[2] = 0xFF; write_sector(f, sector++, buffer); buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = 0; while (--count != 0) write_sector(f, sector++, buffer); } buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = 0; while (sector < f->first_data_sector) write_sector(f, sector++, buffer); } return 0; } #endif long int rdcf_free_space(struct rdcf *f #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE , char *spec #endif ) { unsigned cluster; unsigned number_of_empty_clusters = 0; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return (long)(f->result); #ifndef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE initialize_fcb(f, NULL); #else if (*initialize_fcb(f, spec) != 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); #endif for (cluster = 2; cluster <= f->maximum_cluster_number; cluster++) { if (FAT_entry(f, cluster) == EMPTY_CLUSTER) number_of_empty_clusters++; } f->file.size = (unsigned long) number_of_empty_clusters * (f->sectors_per_cluster * SECTOR_SIZE); return (long)(f->file.size); } int rdcf_get_file_information(struct rdcf *f, char *spec, unsigned index) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; find_entry(f, spec, index); read_directory_entry(f); return f->result = f->file.spec[0] == DELETED_FILE ? RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND : f->file.spec[0] == 0 ? RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL : 0; } int rdcf_get_volume(struct rdcf *f #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE , char *spec #endif ) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; #ifndef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE initialize_fcb(f, NULL); #else if (*initialize_fcb(f, spec) != 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); #endif f->directory_cluster = 0; if (!find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, NULL)) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return 0; } int rdcf_match(char *specs, char *pattern) { unsigned size = NAME_SIZE; while (1) { unsigned count = size; do { int c1, c2; if (*specs == '.' || *specs == 0) c1 = ' '; else c1 = *specs++; if (*pattern == '*') c2 = '?'; else if (*pattern == '.' || *pattern == 0) c2 = ' '; else c2 = *pattern++; if (c2 != '?' && toupper(c1) != toupper(c2)) return 0; } while (--count != 0); while (*specs != '.' && *specs != 0) specs++; if (*specs == '.') ++specs; if (*pattern == '*') while (*++pattern != '.' && *pattern != 0); if (*pattern == '.') ++pattern; if (size == NAME_SIZE) size = EXTENSION_SIZE; else return 1; } } #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_move(struct rdcf *f, char *old_spec, char *new_spec) { unsigned char spec[13]; unsigned short first_cluster; unsigned char attribute; struct rdcf_date_and_time date_and_time; unsigned long size; unsigned short directory_cluster; unsigned short directory_index; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; if (!find_file(f, initialize_fcb(f, old_spec))) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); /* save all needed information about old spec */ memcpy(spec, f->file.spec, sizeof(spec)); attribute = f->file.attribute; date_and_time = f->file.date_and_time; size = f->file.size; first_cluster = f->file.first_cluster; directory_cluster = f->directory_cluster; directory_index = f->directory_index; if (find_file(f, new_spec)) error_exit(f, RDCF_RENAMING_ERROR); f->file.first_cluster = first_cluster; f->file.attribute = attribute; f->file.date_and_time = date_and_time; f->file.size = size; lengthen_directory_if_necessary(f); update_directory_entry(f, 0); if (f->file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY) update_dot_and_dot_dot(f); memcpy(f->file.spec, spec, sizeof(spec)); f->directory_cluster = directory_cluster; f->directory_index = directory_index; update_directory_entry(f, 1); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif int rdcf_next_file_information(struct rdcf *f) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; f->directory_index++; if (f->directory_cluster == 0) { if (f->directory_index >= (f->first_data_sector - f->first_directory_sector)*ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR) { error_exit(f, RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); } } else { if (f->directory_index >= ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR*f->sectors_per_cluster) { f->directory_cluster = FAT_entry(f, f->directory_cluster); if (f->directory_cluster >= f->last_cluster_mark) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); f->directory_index = 0; } } read_directory_entry(f); return f->result = f->file.spec[0] == DELETED_FILE ? RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND : f->file.spec[0] == 0 ? RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL : 0; } int rdcf_open(struct rdcf *f, char *spec #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY , unsigned mode #endif ) { int found; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY f->mode = mode; #endif found = find_file(f, initialize_fcb(f, spec)); if (found && f->file.attribute&RDCF_DIRECTORY) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT); #ifdef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY if (!found) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); #else switch (mode) { case RDCF_READ_WRITE: check_write_access(f); /* fall through to case RDCF_READ */ case RDCF_READ: if (!found) error_exit(f,RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; case RDCF_CREATE: if (found) { check_write_access(f); release_FAT_entries(f); } else lengthen_directory_if_necessary(f); f->file.attribute = RDCF_ARCHIVE; f->file.first_cluster = EMPTY_CLUSTER; f->file.size = 0L; rdcf_get_date_and_time(&f->file.date_and_time); f->mode |= WRITTEN; update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); break; default: error_exit(f,RDCF_MODE_ERROR); } #endif f->position = 0; f->last_cluster = EMPTY_CLUSTER; f->cluster = f->file.first_cluster; return 0; } int rdcf_read(struct rdcf *f, void *buf, int count) { unsigned long size = f->file.size; unsigned unread_bytes = count; unsigned long position = f->position; char *buffer = buf; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY if (f->mode != RDCF_READ) error_exit(f,RDCF_MODE_ERROR); #endif f->buffer_status = EMPTY; while (unread_bytes>0) { unsigned n = unread_bytes; unsigned rest_of_sector = SECTOR_SIZE - position%SECTOR_SIZE; unsigned sector; if (sizecluster) + (position/SECTOR_SIZE)%f->sectors_per_cluster; if (n>rest_of_sector) n = rest_of_sector; if (position%SECTOR_SIZE==0 && n==SECTOR_SIZE) read_sector(f, sector, buffer); else /* read a partial sector */ { read_buffer(f, sector); memcpy(buffer, f->buffer+position%SECTOR_SIZE, n); } buffer += n; position += n; unread_bytes -= n; if (position%(f->sectors_per_cluster*SECTOR_SIZE)==0 && positioncluster); if (next_cluster >= f->last_cluster_mark) f->last_cluster = f->cluster; f->cluster = next_cluster; } } f->position = position; return f->result = count - unread_bytes; } #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_recover(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; if (find_file(f, initialize_fcb(f, spec))) error_exit(f,RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED); if (f->directory_index == NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); f->file.attribute = RDCF_ARCHIVE; rdcf_get_date_and_time(&f->file.date_and_time); f->file.first_cluster = add_new_cluster(f, EMPTY_CLUSTER, 2); f->file.size = 0L; { unsigned cluster; for (cluster = f->file.first_cluster; cluster != EMPTY_CLUSTER; cluster = add_new_cluster(f, cluster, cluster)) { f->file.size += f->sectors_per_cluster * SECTOR_SIZE; } } update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_rename(struct rdcf *f, char *old_spec, char *new_spec) { unsigned char name_extension[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE]; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; old_spec = initialize_fcb(f, old_spec); if (!find_file(f, old_spec)) error_exit(f,RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); if (f->file.attribute & (RDCF_HIDDEN+RDCF_SYSTEM)) error_exit(f, RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED); spec_to_name_extension(f, name_extension, new_spec); f->directory_cluster = f->directory_first_cluster; if (find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, name_extension)) error_exit(f,RDCF_RENAMING_ERROR); find_file(f, old_spec); name_extension_to_spec(f->file.spec, name_extension); update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif int rdcf_seek(struct rdcf *f, unsigned long offset) { unsigned i, cluster; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; if (offset>f->file.size) error_exit(f,RDCF_SEEK_OUT_OF_RANGE); f->buffer_status = EMPTY; cluster = f->file.first_cluster; for (i=offset/(f->sectors_per_cluster*SECTOR_SIZE); i>0; i--) { unsigned new_cluster = FAT_entry(f, cluster); if (new_cluster >= f->last_cluster_mark) f->last_cluster = cluster; cluster = new_cluster; } f->cluster = cluster; f->position = offset; return 0; } #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_set_file_information(struct rdcf *f, char *spec, unsigned index, struct rdcf_file_information *file_information) { if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; find_entry(f, spec, index); f->file = *file_information; if (f->file.spec[0] == 0) memset(find_directory(f), 0, sizeof(struct directory)); else if (f->file.spec[0] == DELETED_FILE) { f->file.spec[0] = 'X'; update_directory_entry(f, 1); } else update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_set_volume(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { unsigned char name_extension[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE]; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; spec = initialize_fcb(f, spec); { unsigned i = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(name_extension); i++) name_extension[i] = *spec != 0 ? *spec++ : ' '; } if (name_extension[0] == DELETED_FILE) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, NULL); if (f->directory_index == NO_DIRECTORY_INDEX) error_exit(f,RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL); memcpy(f->file.spec, name_extension, sizeof(name_extension)); rdcf_get_date_and_time(&f->file.date_and_time); f->file.attribute = RDCF_VOLUME; f->file.size = 0; f->file.first_cluster = 0; update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_sort_directory(struct rdcf *f, char *spec, int mode) { int sorting = 1; unsigned first_index; unsigned number_of_directory_entries; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; find_entry(f, spec, 0); read_directory_entry(f); if (f->file.spec[0] == 0) return 0; /* empty directory */ /* do not sort subdirectories . and .. or system files */ while (f->file.spec[0] == '.' || f->file.spec[0] != 0 && f->file.spec[0] != DELETED_FILE && f->file.attribute & RDCF_SYSTEM) { if (++f->directory_index > 2) error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR); read_directory_entry(f); } if (f->file.spec[0] == 0) return 0; first_index = f->directory_index; number_of_directory_entries = f->directory_cluster == 0 ? (f->first_data_sector - f->first_directory_sector)*ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR : ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR*f->sectors_per_cluster; while (sorting) { struct directory *d, previous_entry; unsigned previous_directory_cluster; unsigned previous_directory_index; f->directory_index = first_index; f->directory_cluster = f->directory_first_cluster; sorting = 0; d = find_directory(f); while (1) { int comparison; previous_entry = *d; previous_directory_cluster = f->directory_cluster; previous_directory_index = f->directory_index; if (++f->directory_index == number_of_directory_entries) { if (f->directory_cluster == 0) break; { unsigned x = FAT_entry(f, f->directory_cluster); if (x >= f->last_cluster_mark) break; f->directory_cluster = x; f->directory_index = 0; } } d = find_directory(f); if (d->name_extension[0] == 0) break; comparison = entry_class(d) - entry_class(&previous_entry); if (comparison == 0) { switch (mode & RDCF_REVERSE-1) { case RDCF_EXTENSION_NAME: comparison = memcmp(d->name_extension+NAME_SIZE, previous_entry.name_extension+NAME_SIZE, EXTENSION_SIZE); if (comparison != 0) break; /* else fall through to case RDCF_NAME_EXTENSION */ case RDCF_NAME_EXTENSION: comparison = memcmp(d->name_extension, previous_entry.name_extension, NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE); break; case RDCF_DATE_TIME: comparison = compare_four_bytes((unsigned char *)(&d->time), (unsigned char *)(&previous_entry.time)); break; case RDCF_SIZE: comparison = compare_four_bytes((unsigned char *)(&d->size), (unsigned char *)(&previous_entry.size)); break; } if (mode & RDCF_REVERSE) comparison = -comparison; } if (comparison < 0) { struct directory this_entry = *d; unsigned this_directory_cluster = f->directory_cluster; unsigned this_directory_index = f->directory_index; f->directory_cluster = previous_directory_cluster; f->directory_index = previous_directory_index; d = find_directory(f); *d = this_entry; f->buffer_status = DIRTY; f->directory_cluster = this_directory_cluster; f->directory_index = this_directory_index; d = find_directory(f); *d = previous_entry; f->buffer_status = DIRTY; sorting = 1; } } } flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_undelete(struct rdcf *f, char *spec) { unsigned char name_extension[NAME_SIZE+EXTENSION_SIZE]; int first_character; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; spec = initialize_fcb(f, spec); if (find_file(f, spec)) { if (f->file.attribute & RDCF_DIRECTORY) error_exit(f, RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT); error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } first_character = f->file.spec[0]; spec = spec_to_name_extension(f, name_extension, f->file.spec); name_extension[0] = DELETED_FILE; f->directory_cluster = f->directory_first_cluster; if (!find_file_in_directory_or_find_volume(f, name_extension) || f->file.attribute & RDCF_VOLUME+RDCF_DIRECTORY) { error_exit(f, RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } f->position = 0; if (f->file.size != 0) { unsigned cluster_size = SECTOR_SIZE * f->sectors_per_cluster; unsigned long recovered_size = cluster_size; unsigned cluster = f->file.first_cluster; if (FAT_entry(f, cluster) != EMPTY_CLUSTER) error_exit(f, RDCF_UNRECOVERABLE_FILE); set_FAT_entry(f, cluster, f->last_cluster_mark); f->file.spec[0] = first_character; { while (recovered_size < f->file.size && cluster < f->maximum_cluster_number) { cluster = add_new_cluster(f, cluster, cluster+1); if (cluster == EMPTY_CLUSTER) { f->position = f->file.size - recovered_size; f->file.size = recovered_size; break; } recovered_size += cluster_size; } } } f->file.spec[0] = first_character; update_directory_entry(f, 0); flush_buffer(f); return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_wipe_drive(struct rdcf *f #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE , char *spec #endif ) { unsigned cluster; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return (long)(f->result); #ifndef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE initialize_fcb(f, NULL); #else if (*initialize_fcb(f, spec) != 0) error_exit(f, RDCF_INVALID_SPEC); #endif for (cluster = 2; cluster <= f->maximum_cluster_number; cluster++) { if (FAT_entry(f, cluster) == EMPTY_CLUSTER) { unsigned sector = first_sector_in_cluster(f, cluster); unsigned count = f->sectors_per_cluster; do write_sector(f, sector++, f->buffer); while (--count != 0); } } return 0; } #endif #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_write(struct rdcf *f, void *buf, int count) { unsigned long size = f->file.size; unsigned long position = f->position; unsigned unwritten_bytes = count; unsigned first_possibly_empty_cluster = 2; char *buffer = buf; if ((f->result=setjmp(f->error)) != 0) return f->result; f->buffer_status = EMPTY; if (f->mode == RDCF_READ) error_exit(f,RDCF_MODE_ERROR); while (unwritten_bytes>0) { unsigned sector; unsigned n = unwritten_bytes; unsigned rest_of_sector = SECTOR_SIZE - position%SECTOR_SIZE; if (n>rest_of_sector) n = rest_of_sector; if (f->cluster == EMPTY_CLUSTER || f->cluster >= f->last_cluster_mark) { unsigned new_cluster = add_new_cluster(f, f->last_cluster, first_possibly_empty_cluster); if (new_cluster == EMPTY_CLUSTER) break; first_possibly_empty_cluster = new_cluster+1; f->cluster = f->last_cluster = new_cluster; if (f->file.first_cluster==EMPTY_CLUSTER) f->file.first_cluster = new_cluster; } sector = first_sector_in_cluster(f, f->cluster) + (position/SECTOR_SIZE)%f->sectors_per_cluster; if (position%SECTOR_SIZE==0 && (n==SECTOR_SIZE || position+n>=size)) { write_sector(f, sector, buffer); } else /* write a partial sector */ { read_buffer(f, sector); memcpy(f->buffer+position%SECTOR_SIZE, buffer, n); f->buffer_status = DIRTY; } buffer += n; position += n; unwritten_bytes -= n; if (position>size) size = position; if (position%(f->sectors_per_cluster*SECTOR_SIZE)==0) { unsigned next_cluster = FAT_entry(f, f->cluster); if (next_cluster >= f->last_cluster_mark) f->last_cluster = f->cluster; f->cluster = next_cluster; } } flush_buffer(f); f->position = position; f->file.size = size; f->mode |= WRITTEN; return f->result = count-unwritten_bytes; } #endif =============================== RDCF2.DOC =============================== RDCF: A Reentrant DOS-Compatible File System, Version 2.0 Public Domain - No Restrictions on Use by Philip J. Erdelsky January 15, 1993 1. Introduction --------------- RDCF is a reentrant and ROMable DOS-compatible file system designed for use with floppy diskettes and hard disk partitions that do not exceed 32 Mbytes in size. For users who are familiar with version 1.0, here is a summary of the differences between versions 1.0 and 2.0: (1) Version 2.0 supports subdirectories and volume names. This is by far the most important difference. (2) Version 2.0 can be compiled to adapt to different sector sizes at run time. (3) Version 2.0 has no default drive option, but it can be compiled with or without multiple drive support. (4) The parameters to some functions have been changed slightly to make them more uniform. (5) Version 2.0 requires access to the system clock, although a dummy access function will suffice for systems without clocks. (6) In version 2.0, the drive access function pointer is stored in the file control block by the calling program, instead of being passed as a parameter. (7) In version 2.0, direct access to the file control block is not encouraged to the extent it was in version 1.0. (8) Version 2.0 has a few additional features, such as a directory sort function, that were not in version 1.0 and are not in most implementations of DOS. (9) Although I no longer claim copyright protection on RDCF2, I would like to know when and where it is being used. Although DOS 3 permits characters from the IBM extended character set in file names, most DOS applications don't, and neither does RDCF. Since DOS 1 is now obsolete, RDCF does not support DOS 1 diskette formats. RDCF is fully reentrant with respect to files on different drives. It is also reentrant with respect to files on the same drive, provided they are opened for reading only. It is not reentrant with respect to different files on the same drive, if any of them are being written. Therefore, access to it in this case must be serialized on a drive-by-drive basis when it is used in a multitasking system. RDCF does not call on the memory allocator. All working storage for an open file is contained in a file control block and a scratch buffer that you must allocate in some manner before calling on RDCF. In a manner of speaking, this is a reversion to the old CP/M standard, but it permits complete reentrancy and does not limit the number of open files. Since RDCF treats each open file as though it were the only open file, it cannot detect collisions. For example, in a multitasking system, if a file is written by two tasks at the same time, it will be corrupted. The disk may end up with lost clusters and cross-linked chains, but other files on the same disk should keep their integrity. RDCF requires access to a real-time clock. If your system does not have a real-time clock, you can write a dummy clock interface that always returns some standard date and time, such as the notorious 1/1/80 00:00:00, which will be applied whenever a file is created or modified. RDCF accesses a disk one sector at a time. While this may seem appallingly inefficient, it appears adequate in some cases where only minimal file operations are required. A simple cache system, which is also available from the same source, will improve its efficiency in other cases. With simple interfaces and full source code, you can make other changes that you deem necessary for your own application. RDCF can be compiled as a read-only file system. This eliminates much of the code and is suitable for devices that load operating code and other data from DOS diskettes but do not write anything on them. RDCF can be compiled to handle multiple drives, in which case every file specification must begin with a drive letter (followed by a colon). If your system has only one drive, or if you prefer to handle drive selection outside RDCF, you can compile RDCF without multiple drives, in which case a file specification must NOT begin with a drive letter. The interface to RDCF is not ANSI-compliant, although you could put an ANSI compliant interface on top of it. 2. Compilation Instructions --------------------------- The source code for RDCF 2.0 consists of the files RDCF2.C and RDCF2.H. The header file RDCF2.H should be #included in any source file that calls on the RDCF, because it contains function prototypes and other necessary definitions. Since a DOS diskette contains a number of fields of specific sizes, your C compiler must have types of the same sizes. Here is what is required: type number of bits ----- -------------- char 8 short 16 long 32 int at least 16 If your application is to run on a CPU with "big endian" byte ordering, such as one of the Motorola 68000 series, RDCF will have to do some byte swapping because DOS diskettes contain fields with "little endian" ordering. You can do this by #defining the variable _BIG_ENDIAN. If you do not need to write anything on disk, you can save a great deal of code by #defining the variable RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY. This eliminates almost all code devoted to writing. If you system has multiple drives, you can #define the variable RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVES. In this case RDCF will require each file specification to begin with a drive letter (followed by a colon), and it will pass the drive number to the drive interface. If your application has only one drive, or if it has more than one drive but you want to handle drive selection outside RDCF, leave the variable RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVES undefined. In this case a file specification passed to RDCF must NOT begin with a drive letter. All DOS diskettes (and nearly all DOS hard disks) use 512-byte sectors, so the following definition is included in the header file RDCF2.H: #define RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE 512 If you change this value, RDCF won't be compatible with DOS, but it can operate in a consistent manner on disks that it has formatted. If you leave RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE undefined, then RDCF will read the sector size from the bootstrap sector of each disk. This produces less efficient code, because expressions involving the sector size cannot be evaluated at compile time. However, it enables RDCF to adapt itself to different sector sizes at run time. You can cut out the code for any RDCF function that you don't need. The publicly defined functions in RDCF2.C do not call each other, so one or more may be removed without difficulty. For example, if you do only sequential file access, you can cut out the function rdcf_seek(). In fact, RDCF probably has more functions than most applications require. RDCF calls on the following standard C functions and macros, which are widely available and are usually reentrant: isalpha() longjmp() memcmp() memcpy() memset() setjmp() toupper() RDCF presumes that all file specifications are expressed in ASCII and that the C compiler uses ASCII for characters and strings. To prevent identifier conflicts, all publicly defined RDCF labels begin with the characters "RDCF", "_RDCF" or "rdcf". The following public domain packages are usually distributed along with RDCF 2.0: package files --------- ----------------------------- CACHE 1.1 CACHE.C, CACHE.DOC, CACHE.H FILES FILES.C, FILES.COM, FILES.DOC The FILES package contains examples of the use of RDCF. It is also a rather handy diskette utility. 3. Drive Access --------------- RDCF does not read or write disks directly. You must supply it with a pointer to a function that you have written or adapted for this purpose. RDCF then calls this function whenever it needs to read or write a disk sector. The format of the function call is as follows: e = (*drive_access)(write, drive, LSN, buffer); int write; nonzero (true) for a write operation; zero (false) for a read operation unsigned drive; drive (0=A, 1=B, etc) unsigned LSN; logical sector number void *buffer; memory buffer for data unsigned e; 0 for a successful read or write, or an implementation-defined nonzero error code The function is called to read or write only one sector at a time. However, you may want to implement some kind of read-ahead, caching or delayed writing at a lower level to improve efficiency. The function may be required to convert the LSN into side, track and sector numbers, although many disk controllers will make the conversion internally. The layout of LSN's is fairly standard, and is designed to minimize head motion when LSN's are accessed in ascending numerical order. On DOS systems, the conversion is made as follows: sector number = LSN % (number of sectors per track) + 1 side number = (LSN / (number of sectors per track)) % (number of sides) track number = LSN / ((number of sectors per track) * (number of sides)) The sector size, the number of sectors per track and the number of sides are written into the following bytes of LSN 0 (where byte 0 is the first byte): byte contents ---- -------------------------------------- 11 LS byte of number of bytes per sector 12 MS byte of number of bytes per sector 24 LS byte of number of sectors per track 25 MS byte of number of sectors per track 26 LS byte of number of sides 27 MS byte of number of sides If RDCF is to adapt automatically to diskettes of different formats in the same drive, the function (*drive_access)() can simply record these values whenever LSN 0 is read or written and then use them to find other sectors. Notice that LSN 0 is always sector 1 of track 0 on side 0. An error code must be a 16-bit nonzero unsigned value. Its format is implementation-dependent. When RDCF receives a nonzero return value from the function (*drive_access)(), it aborts the current operation, puts the return value into the file control block member called "drive_error" and returns the error code RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR. Error correction and retries, if any, must be implemented at a lower level. If RDCF is used in a reentrant fashion, the function (*drive_access)() must also have the required reentrancy. Here is a drive access function that can be used with Turbo C 2.0 (or a compatible later version of Borland or Turbo C++) under DOS: #include unsigned drive_access(int write, unsigned drive, unsigned LSN, void *buffer) { _SI; _DI; return write ? abswrite(drive, 1, LSN, buffer) : absread(drive, 1, LSN, buffer); } The strange-looking first line of the function goads the compiler into saving and restoring the SI and DI registers, something that absread() and abswrite() should do but don't always do, especially when a drive error is detected. DOS does a little bit of caching when you access disks in this manner. Therefore, you should call bdos(13,0,0) to flush the buffers before returning control to DOS. Otherwise DOS may not recognize the changes RDCF has made. 4. Real Time Clock Access ------------------------- When RDCF needs the date and time, it calls a function as follows: rdcf_get_date_and_time(p); struct rdcf_date_and_time *p; pointer to structure to receive date and time You must write a version of rdcf_date_and_time() for your own system. If your system has no real-time clock, the following function will supply the notorious 1-1-80 00:00:00 as the current date and time: struct rdcf_date_and_time(struct rdcf_date_and_time *p) { static struct rdcf_date_and_time DT = {0,0,0,1,1,1980}; memcpy(p, &DT, sizeof(DT)); } If you run RDCF under DOS and use Turbo C 2.0 (or a compatible later version of Turbo or Borland C++), the following function will supply the date and time taken from the system clock: void rdcf_get_date_and_time(struct rdcf_date_and_time *p) { struct date d; struct time t; int day; getdate(&d); day = d.da_day; gettime(&t); getdate(&d); if (day != d.da_day) gettime(&t); p->month = d.da_mon; p->day = d.da_day; p->year = d.da_year; p->hour = t.ti_hour; p->minute = t.ti_min; p->second = t.ti_sec; } Notice that it is sometimes necessary to read the date and time twice to be sure of getting a consistent reading when the function is called at midnight. DOS files always have dates in the period 1980-2107. 5. The File Control Block ------------------------- All working storage for an open file is contained in a file control block of type "struct rdcf", which is defined in the header file RDCF2.H, and a scratch buffer described below. You must allocate space for file control blocks and scratch buffers before calling on RDCF, since RDCF itself does not call on the memory allocator. The first element of a file control block is a pointer to a scratch buffer with room for RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE unsigned characters. The second element is a pointer to the drive access function defined above. You must initialize these pointers, perhaps as follows: static unsigned char my_buffer[RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE]; static struct rdcf f = {my_buffer, drive_access}; If your implementation has a memory allocator, you can use that instead: struct rcdf f; f.buffer = malloc(RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE); f.drive_access = drive_access; If you leave RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE undefined because your system uses different sector sizes on different disks, the buffer must be large enough to hold the largest sector. If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVES is undefined, but your system has more than one drive, you must also put the appropriate drive number into the member so that it can be passed to the drive access function. With one exception involving the function rdcf_next_file_information(), neither the scratch buffer contents nor the scratch buffer pointer needs to be maintained from one call on RDCF to the next. However, if RDCF is to be used in a multitasking system, tasks that can call RDCF in a reentrant fashion must use different scratch buffers. In most cases, it is sufficient to allocate one scratch buffer for each drive, and to serialize calls on RDCF for each drive. The drive access function pointer must not be changed while the file corresponding to the file control block is open. You don't have to perform any other initialization on your file control blocks; RDCF does that for you. The file control block for a successfully opened file contains a number of members that you can (safely) read and/or write directly, without calling on RDCF: member permitted access meaning --------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- buffer read/write pointer to scratch buffer drive_access read/write pointer to drive access function drive read/write drive (0=A, 1=B, etc.) file read file information block, described below position read file pointer drive_error read error when RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR is returned result read result returned by most recent operation Of course, you should write into the "drive" member only if you have left RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVES undefined but your system has more than one drive. The file information block is described more fully in Section 6 below. File control blocks of the same format are also used by some RDCF functions for working storage, although nothing more than result codes are returned in them. 6. The File Information Block ----------------------------- The "file" member of a file control block, when filled by RDCF, contains the following information about a file: member meaning --------- --------------------------------------------------- spec[13] name and extension in ASCII, terminated by \0 attribute DOS file attribute byte (see below) date_and_time file date and time first_cluster number of first cluster size file length in bytes (0 for volume or subdirectory) The name and extension are at most eight and three characters long, respectively, they are separated by a period (.) if the extension is non-blank, and they are terminated by a nul (\0). RDCF always converts small letters in file names and extensions to the corresponding capital letters before putting them into the file information block. If the information block represents a volume name, however, then the spec[] member contains the name, which is eleven characters long and may contain small letters and special characters. The date_and_time member is itself a structure with the following members: member meaning range ------ --------- ----------------- second file time 0-58, always even minute file time 0-59 hour file time 0-23 day file date 1-31 month file date 1-12 year file date 1980-2107 The bits of the attribute byte are represented by mnemonics defined in RDCF2.H: #define RDCF_READ_ONLY 0x01 #define RDCF_HIDDEN 0x02 #define RDCF_SYSTEM 0x04 #define RDCF_VOLUME 0x08 #define RDCF_DIRECTORY 0x10 #define RDCF_ARCHIVE 0x20 The file information and date-and-time blocks also appear outside the file control block in some contexts. 7. RDCF File Specifications --------------------------- A file specification under RDCF is almost the same as its DOS counterpart. As in DOS, case is not significant in file specifications. Moreover, every name is truncated to eight characters, and every extension is truncated to three characters. Hence "A:MYPROGRAM.PASCAL", "A:MYPROGRA.PAS", and "a:myprogra.pas" all represent the same file. In a multiple-drive system, the file specification MUST begin with a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a colon). In systems with only one drive, the file specification must NOT begin with a drive letter. If you want to handle drive selection outside RDCF, adjust the drive access pointer and the drive number in the file control block to select the desired drive, and then remove the drive letter and colon from the file specification before calling on RDCF. Since there is no "current directory", the file specification must begin at the root and contain the names of all intermediate subdirectories. The backslash at the beginning of the directory path is superfluous and is NOT used. Hence a file specification such as "C:\UTIL\CHKDSK.COM", which is quite familiar under DOS, is invalid under RDCF. The RDCF specification is "C:UTIL\CHKDSK.COM". For the same reason, RDCF does not permit the special subdirectories "." and ".." in a directory path, but to maintain disk-level compatibility with DOS, it puts them into subdirectories that it creates. A directory specification is the same as a file specification, except that it refers to a subdirectory. Where required, a root directory is represented by a drive specification alone; e.g., "B:" represents the root directory on drive B:. In single-drive systems, the empty string "" represents the root directory. RDCF treats all file and drive specifications supplied to it as read-only strings. They may reside in ROM. 8. The Program Interface ------------------------ The RDCF program interface consists of the following functions: function description --------------------------- ------------------------------------- rdcf_attribute() change a file attribute rdcf_close() close a file rdcf_date_and_time() change a file, volume or subdirectory date and time rdcf_delete() delete a file, volume name or subdirectory rdcf_directory() create a subdirectory rdcf_format() format a disk rdcf_free_space() get disk free space rdcf_get_file_information() get a directory entry rdcf_get_volume() get volume name rdcf_match() match name and extension rdcf_move() move a file or subdirectory rdcf_next_file_information() get next directory entry rdcf_open() open a file rdcf_read() read from a file rdcf_recover() recover erased data rdcf_rename() rename a file or directory rdcf_seek() move a file pointer rdcf_set_file_information() write into a directory entry rdcf_set_volume() write volume name rdcf_sort_directory() sort a directory rdcf_undelete() restore a deleted file rdcf_wipe_drive() wipe out erased data rdcf_write() write into a file There are also four externally defined variables, which for reentrancy must be considered read-only: rdcf_format_360 rdcf_format_1200 rdcf_format_720 rdcf_format_1440 8.1. rdcf_attribute() - Change a File Attribute ----------------------------------------------- The following function call changes a file's attribute byte: e = rdcf_attribute(fcb, filespec, attribute); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 unsigned attribute; new attribute byte int e; 0 if file was successfully modified, or negative error code Only the following attribute bits are affected by this function: RDCF_ARCHIVE RDCF_READ_ONLY RDCF_HIDDEN RDCF_SYSTEM Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT file name conflicts with subdirectory RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR corrupt file allocation table RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND file not found RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.2. rdcf_close() - Close a File -------------------------------- If a file has been written or otherwise modified, you must close it in order to update its directory entry. Here is the appropriate function call: e = rdcf_close(fcb); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to open file control block int e; 0 for a successful operation, or a negative error code The file control block must have been successfully opened by rdcf_open(). If the file has been modified, its date and time will be set to the value returned by rdcf_get_date_and_time(). If a file has not been written or otherwise modified, there is no need to close it, and this function will do nothing to it. If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not even defined. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------- -------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk 8.3. rdcf_date_and_time() - Change Date and Time ------------------------------------------------ The following function call changes the date and time of a file, volume name or subdirectory: e = rdcf_date_and_time(fcb, filespec, t); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 struct rdcf_date_and_time *t; pointer to block containing desired date and time int e; 0 if operation was successful, or negative error code If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined, the file specification for a volume name consists of a drive specification alone, e.g., "A:" for drive A:, "B:" for drive B:, etc. In other cases, the file specification for a volume name is the empty string (""). When the time and date of a subdirectory are changed, the time and date of its special subdirectories "." and ".." are also changed. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR corrupt file allocation table RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND file not found RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.4. rdcf_delete() - Delete a File, Volume Name or Subdirectory ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following function call deletes a file, volume name or subdirectory: e = rdcf_delete(fcb, filespec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if file was successfully opened, or negative error code If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined, the file specification for a volume name consists of a drive specification alone, e.g., "A:" for drive A:, "B:" for drive B:, etc. In other cases, the file specification for a volume name is the empty string (""). Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED attempt to delete a read-only file or a subdirectory that is not empty RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND file, volume name or directory not found RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.5. rdcf_directory() - Create a New Subdirectory ------------------------------------------------- The following function call creates a new subdirectory: e = rdcf_directory(fcb, filespec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if operation was successful, or negative error code The new directory, and its special subdirectories "." and "..", will bear the current date and time as determined by a call on rdcf_get_date_and_time(). Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT name conflicts with file or subdirectory RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL insufficient directory or data space RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.6. rdcf_format() - Format a Disk ---------------------------------- Formatting a disk usually involves two operations, both of which are performed by most DOS formatting utilities for diskettes. The first operation, called physical formatting, divides the tracks up into sectors and writes the necessary sector numbers into them. The sectors are filled with meaningless bytes. RDCF has no provision for physical formatting because the procedure is highly hardware-dependent. The second operation, called logical formatting, writes the required information into the bootstrap sector, the file allocation table, and the root directory. RDCF performs logical formatting with the following function call: e = rdcf_format(fcb, spec, format); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *spec; drive specification ("A:", "B:", etc.), omitted if RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is undefined struct rdcf_format *format; pointer to descriptor block for desired format int e; 0 if operation was successful, or negative error code The format parameter has any of four values, depending on the type of disk being formatted: value of format physical size density capacity ----------------- ------------- ------- -------- &rdcf_format_360 5-1/4 inch double 360K &rdcf_format_720 3-1/2 inch double 720K &rdcf_format_1200 5-1/4 inch high 1.2M &rdcf_format_1440 3-1/2 inch high 1.44M Logical formatting deletes all files, subdirectories and the volume name. Some of this information can be reconstructed by rdcf_recover() or by special recovery programs if it has not been overwritten. However, all the information becomes inaccessible through normal DOS and RDCF calls. The disk also becomes unbootable and cannot be made bootable with the DOS SYS utility. This function is especially useful if the data storage device is not a DOS-compatible disk. You can use it to format a RAM disk, a portion of a hard disk, or even a file and use it as though it were a disk. The function (*drive_access)() usually needs to be modified, but no other changes are required. If you want to use a nonstandard format, you can make up your own format descriptor block. Here is what is in it: byte contents ---- ------------------------------------------------------ 0 LS byte of number of bytes per sector 1 MS byte of number of bytes per sector 2 number of sectors per data cluster 3 1 4 0 5 number of file allocation tables 6 LS byte of number of root directory entries 7 MS byte of number of root directory entries 8 LS byte of total number of sectors 9 MS byte of total number of sectors 10 unused 11 LS byte of number of sectors per file allocation table 12 MS byte of number of sectors per file allocation table 13 LS byte of number of sectors per track 14 MS byte of number of sectors per track 15 LS byte of number of sides 16 MS byte of number of sides 17 unused 18 unused NOTICE that some two-byte parameters are not aligned on even boundaries. Of course, if you format a disk in a nonstandard manner, DOS may not be able to read it. There are a number of limitations on the parameters to guarantee a self-consistent format that RDCF can use: (1) None of the parameters can be zero (although the MS byte of a two-byte parameter can be zero). (2) The sector size must be a multiple of 32; but if RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE is defined, RDCF ignores this field. (3) The number of root directory entries must be a multiple of the number of entries in a sector. Each entry occupies 32 bytes, so if 512-byte sectors are used, the number of entries per sector is 16. (4) The disk contains the following areas, which must add up to the specified total number of sectors: (a) one bootstrap sector, (b) the specified number of file allocation tables, each containing the specified number of sectors, (c) the root directory, and (d) the data sectors. (5) The number of data sectors must be a multiple of the number of sectors per data cluster. Their quotient is the number of data clusters. (6) The number of data clusters must not exceed 65,517. (6) If the number of data clusters is 4077 or less, then each file allocation table must contain at least 3 bytes plus one and one-half bytes for each data cluster. Otherwise, each file allocation table must contain at least 4 bytes plus 2 bytes for each data cluster. Parameters described as "unused" are not used by RDCF, although they may have meanings on a DOS diskette. The rdcf_format() function makes only a perfunctory consistency check on the parameters. RDCF does not use the number of sectors per track or the number of sides, but the function (*drive_access)() may need them. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ------------------------ ----------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR improper format control block RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in writing disk RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive specification If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.7. rdcf_free_space() - Get Disk Free Space --------------------------------------------- The following function call returns the number of bytes of free space on a disk: n = rdcf_free_space(fcb, char *spec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *spec; drive specification ("A:", "B:", etc.), omitted if RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is undefined long n; number of free bytes, or a negative error code If the operation is successful, the number of free bytes is also left in the member fcb->file.size. In the absence of drive errors, the number of free bytes returned by this function is the maximum number of bytes that can be added to an existing file that fills a whole number of data clusters. The number of additional bytes that can be written to existing files may be larger, because each file may have some empty space in its last cluster that is not counted as free by this function. The number of bytes that can be written to a newly created file is also the same as the value returned by this function, except in one peculiar case. If a new file is added to a subdirectory, it may be necessary to add a cluster to the subdirectory to accommodate the new file entry. This cluster is not available for file data. Possible error codes are as follows: return value meaning ---------------------- --------------------------- RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive specification 8.8. rdcf_get_file_information() - Get a Directory Entry -------------------------------------------------------- The following function reads a directory entry: e = rdcf_get_file_information(fcb, specs, index); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; directory specification string, with terminating \0 unsigned index; index of desired entry (0 = first entry, 1 = second entry, etc.) int e; 0 if entry was successfully read, or negative error code If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined, the directory specification string for the root directory consists of a drive specification alone, such as "D:". Otherwise, the empty string ("") represents the root directory. If the operation is successful, useful information about the file, volume name or subdirectory will be found in the file information block fcb->file. If the return value is RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND, the entry represents an erased file, volume name or subdirectory. The first character in the name is invalid but other information is valid and reflects the status of the file, volume name or subdirectory before it was deleted. If the entry represents a volume name or subdirectory, the RDCF_VOLUME or RDCF_DIRECTORY bit will be set in the attribute byte. Entries 0 and 1 in a subdirectory represent the special directory entries named "." and "..". RDCF makes no use of these special entries, but it faithfully emulates this DOS feature. The value RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL is returned if the index would put the entry beyond the end of the directory area, or if the entry lies inside this area but has never been used since the directory was created. In either case, the entry is invalid and there are no valid entries with any higher index value. Even if the entry is valid and represents a file, the file control block may not be used to read, write or otherwise manipulate the file until it is successfully opened by rdcf_open(). If you call this function repeatedly to scan the directory, you should probably use some kind of caching. Otherwise, both the bootstrap block and the directory will be read from disk with each function call. Even without caching, this function produced acceptable results when used to display a directory listing of a floppy diskette, although the process was a little slower than most people would prefer. The companion function rdcf_next_file_information(), which is described below, can also be called to obtain the following entry without repeating the entire directory search. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ---------------------- ------------------------------ 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL index is past end of directory RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND entry represents deleted file RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive specification RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path 8.9. rdcf_get_volume() - Get Volume Name ---------------------------------------- The following function call scans the root directory for the volume name, if any: e = rdcf_get_volume(fcb, char *spec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *spec; drive specification ("A:", "B:", etc.), omitted if RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is undefined int e; 0 if volume name was successfully read, or negative error code If the operation is successful, information regarding the volume name is left in the file information block fcb->file. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ---------------------- ------------------------------ 0 successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND disk has no volume name RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive specification 8.10. rdcf_next_file_information() - Get Next Directory Entry ------------------------------------------------------------- The following function reads the next directory entry after the one read by the most recent call on rdcf_get_file_information() or rdcf_next_file_information() using the same file control block: e = rdcf_next_file_information(fcb); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to the same file control block used by a previous call on this function or rdcf_get_file_information() int e; 0 if entry was successfully read, or negative error code The file control block and scratch buffer must be the same ones used by the preceding call on rdcf_get_file_information() or this function, and the directory structure on the disk must not have changed. The preceding call must not have returned RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL. This function uses information left in the file control block to find the next directory entry without rescanning the directory. If the operation is successful, useful information about the file, volume name or subdirectory will be found in the file information block fcb->file. If the return value is RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND, the entry represents an erased file, volume name or subdirectory. The first character in the name is invalid but other information is valid and reflects the status of the file, volume name or subdirectory before it was deleted. If the entry represents a volume name or subdirectory, the RDCF_VOLUME or RDCF_DIRECTORY bit will be set in the attribute byte. Entries 0 and 1 in a subdirectory represent the special directory entries named "." and "..". RDCF makes no use of these special entries, but it faithfully emulates this DOS quirk. The value RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL is returned if the index would put the entry beyond the end of the directory area, or if the entry lies inside this area but has never been used since the directory was created. In either case, the entry is invalid and there are no valid entries with any higher index value. Even if the entry is valid and represents a file, the file control block may not be used to read, write or otherwise manipulate the file until it is successfully opened by rdcf_open(). Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ---------------------- ------------------------------ 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL index is past end of directory RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND entry represents deleted file 8.11. rdcf_match() - Match Name and Extension --------------------------------------------- The following function determines whether a DOS file name and extension match a DOS pattern, which may include the special characters ? and *: match = rdcf_match(name_extension, pattern); char *name_extension; DOS name and extension, with separating . and terminating \0 char *pattern; DOS name and extension, with separating . and terminating \0, possibly including the special characters ? and * int match; true (nonzero) if the name and extension match the pattern; false (zero) otherwise The function follows all the usual DOS quirks. Small letters are converted to capital letters before comparison. The name is truncated to eight characters, and the extension is truncated to three characters. The function does not check the validity of the name and extension or the pattern. 8.12. rdcf_move() - Move a File or Subdirectory ----------------------------------------------- The following function call moves a file or subdirectory from one directory to another ON THE SAME DRIVE: e = rdcf_move(fcb, old_filespec, new_filespec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *old_filespec; old file specification string, with terminating \0 char *new_filespec; new file specification, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if file was successfully opened, or negative error code The new file specification may not begin with a drive specification, even if RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined. However, it may, and often does, begin with a directory path. The file name and extension in the new file specification need not be the same as those in the old file specification. The file or subdirectory can be renamed as it is moved. The file or directory entry in the old position will be marked as deleted. You may use this function to move a subdirectory, but you must be careful not to corrupt the tree structure by moving a subdirectory into itself or one of its subdirectories. RDCF will not protect you from such folly. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ------------------------------------------ 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL insufficient directory space for new entry RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND file not found RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_RENAMING_ERROR new file specification is already in use If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.13. rdcf_open() - Open a File ------------------------------- The following function call opens a file: e = rdcf_open(fcb, filespec, mode); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 unsigned mode; file mode (not used if RDCF is read-only) int e; 0 if file was successfully opened, or negative error code If the file is successfully opened, the file pointer is set to the beginning of the file and the file control block is initialized for use by other RDCF operations on the file. The file information block fcb->file then contains meaningful information about the file. The mode may be as follows: mode operation --------------- ------------------------------------------------ RDCF_CREATE create file for writing, deleting the file if it already exists RDCF_READ open file for reading only RDCF_READ_WRITE open file for reading and writing In read-only file systems, RDCF_READ is the only mode permitted, so the mode parameter is absent. You may wish to open a file in the RDCF_READ mode merely to obtain information from its file control block. Then you can abandon or re-use the file control block; there is no need to close the file. You can emulate the full panoply of DOS open() modes by calling this function more than once. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED attempt to write a read-only file RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT file name conflicts with subdirectory RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL insufficient directory space to create a file RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND file not found in RDCF_READ or RDCF_READ_WRITE RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_MODE_ERROR invalid mode 8.14. rdcf_read() - Read from a File ------------------------------------ The following function call reads a block of bytes from an open file: n = rdcf_read(fcb, buffer, count); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to open file control block void *buffer; memory buffer to receive data int count; number of bytes to be read int n; number of bytes actually read, or a negative error code The file control block must have been successfully opened in mode RDCF_READ or RDCF_READ_WRITE by rdcf_open(). Reading starts at the current file pointer position. If the operation is successful, the file pointer is advanced to the byte immediately following the last byte read. The return value is the number of bytes actually read. If this nonnegative but less than the count, the end of the file was encountered. Errors are indicated by the following negative return values: return value meaning ---------------------- ------------------------------------------ RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR corrupt file allocation table RDCF_MODE_ERROR file mode not RDCF_READ or RDCF_READ_WRITE 8.15. rdcf_recover() - Recover Erased Data ------------------------------------------ The following function call creates a new file and puts all unused data clusters into it: e = rdcf_recover(fcb, filespec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if file was successfully opened, or negative error code When a file is deleted by DOS or RDCF, the information contained in the file is not actually erased. The data clusters containing the information are merely marked as unused. Until these clusters are actually used for other files, the information is still there, and can be recovered and assembled into a single file by calling this function. The file specifications must be for a new file. If you try to use an existing file, this function will return the error code RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED. If you specify a file in a subdirectory, it will NOT be lengthened to accommodate the new file, as it would be when you call rdcf_open(). That would destroy information and partially defeat the purpose of this function. If there is no empty space in the subdirectory, this function will return the error code RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL. If this function is successfully called, the new file will contain all the data in all unused clusters on the specified drive. Of course, the unused clusters will no longer be unused, and the drive will then be completely full. If you want to edit the information, you may have to copy the file to another drive that has room for the backup and scratch files that most text editors require. Some kind of editing is usually required because the new file will typically contain information from a number of old deleted files or subdirectories, and the information will be slightly mixed up if the old files were fragmented. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ----------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED attempt to use an existing file RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL insufficient directory space RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.16. rdcf_rename() - Rename a File or Subdirectory --------------------------------------------------- The following function call changes the name and/or extension of a file or subdirectory: e = rdcf_rename(fcb, old_filespec, new_filespec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *old_filespec; old file specification string, with terminating \0 char *new_filespec; new name and extension, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if file was successfully opened, or negative error code The new file specification may not begin with a drive specification or directory path. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED attempt to rename a hidden or system file RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND file not found RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_RENAMING_ERROR new file specification is already in use If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.17. rdcf_seek() - Move a File Pointer --------------------------------------- The following function call moves a file pointer: e = rdcf_seek(fcb, offset); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to open file control block unsigned long offset; desired file pointer offset, relative to beginning of file int e; 0 for a successful operation, or a negative error code The file control block must have been successfully opened by rdcf_open() in any mode. If the operation is successful, the function returns zero. The next call on rdcf_read() or rcdf_write() will start at the specified position, relative to the beginning of the file. The file control block entry fcb->position or fcb->file.size can be used to convert an offset from the file pointer or end of file to an offset from the beginning of the file. A file cannot be lengthened by moving the file pointer past the end of the file. To lengthen a file, you must move the file pointer to the end of the file and then write enough data to it to make it the desired length. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------- ------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_SEEK_OUT_OF_RANGE offset exceeds file size 8.18. rdcf_set_file_information() - Set File Information -------------------------------------------------------- The following function writes new information into a directory entry: e = rdcf_set_file_information(fcb, filespec, index, p); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; directory specification string, with terminating \0 unsigned index; index of desired entry (0 = first entry, 1 = second entry, etc.) struct rdcf_file_information *p; pointer to block with new directory information int e; 0 if entry was successfully written, or negative error code If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined, the directory specification string for the root directory consists of a drive specification alone, such as "A:". Otherwise, the empty string ("") represents the root directory. This function takes a block of information, converts it to DOS directory format, and writes it into the specified directory entry. The block of information is usually supplied by rdcf_get_file_information. This function is used almost exclusively for special disk utilities. If p->spec[0] is zero, the entire entry will be cleared to zeros. This function will not lengthen a subdirectory if the index is past its current end. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL index is past end of directory RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.19. rdcf_set_volume() - Write Volume Name ------------------------------------------- The following function writes a new volume name: e = rdcf_set_volume(fcb, drive_name); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *drive_name; string of form "d:name" that specifies drive and name, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if name was successfully written, or negative error code If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined, the string drive_name begins with a drive specification (a drive letter, followed by a colon). Otherwise, it contains only the volume name. In any case, it is terminated by \0. If the volume name is less than 11 characters long, RDCF will pad it with blanks at the end before writing it to the disk. Notice that the volume name may contain small letters, which are NOT converted to capital letters by RDCF. Volume names in DOS are case-sensitive. RDCF will reject the volume name and return RDCF_INVALID_SPEC if the first character of the name is 0xE5, which indicates a deleted file or volume name. If there is already a volume name on the drive, it is replaced by the specified one. The new volume name will bear the current date and time as determined by a call on rdcf_get_date_and_time(). return value meaning ---------------------- ----------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL insufficient directory space RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading disk RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive specification or name If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.20. rdcf_sort_directory() - Sort a Directory ---------------------------------------------- The following function call sorts a directory: e = rdcf_sort_directory(f, filespec, mode); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; directory specification string, with terminating \0 int mode; code to indicate the kind of sort int e; 0 if directory was successfully sorted, or negative error code If RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is defined, the directory specification string for the root directory consists of a drive specification alone, such as "A:". Otherwise, the empty string ("") represents the root directory. The sorting mode may be any ONE of the following: mode manner of sort ------------------- --------------------------------------------- RDCF_EXTENSION_NAME sort by extension, then among files that have the same extension, sort by name RDCF_NAME_EXTENSION sort by name, then among files that have the same name, sort by extension RDCF_DATE_TIME sort by date and time (earlier files first) RDCF_SIZE sort by size (smallest files first) The modifier RDCF_REVERSE may be added to any of these modes to sort in the opposite order. For example, RDCF_SIZE+RDCF_REVERSE sorts the files by size, but it puts the largest files first. Actually, before the function sorts the directory entries, it first divides them into five groups and arranges them in the following order: (1) The two system files at the beginning of the root directory and the two special files "." and ".." at the beginning of a subdirectory are always left where they are. (2) The volume label, if any, is put next. (3) The subdirectory entries, if any, are sorted and put next. (4) The file entries are sorted and put next. (5) The entries for deleted files, volume labels and subdirectories, if any, are sorted and put last. Within each category, if two entries are identical according to the sorting criterion, their relative position is left unchanged. Some kind of caching is strongly recommended when using this function. The sorting algorithm is rather primitive one called a "bubble sort", so it may take a noticeable amount of time to sort a long directory, even with caching. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- 0 successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.21. rdcf_undelete() - Restore a Deleted File ---------------------------------------------- When you delete a file, with either DOS or RDCF, the information in the file is not erased, although it may become rather difficult to find. The following function call restores the original contents of a deleted file, to the extent possible: e = rdcf_undelete(fcb, filespec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *filespec; file specification string, with terminating \0 int e; 0 if file was even partially recovered, or negative error code The function will attempt to restore as much of the file as possible. If only part of the file can be restored, the value in fcb->position will indicate how much of the file was NOT restored. If the entire file was restored, this entry will be zero. If nothing can be restored because the first data cluster of the file is in use by another file, the function will return RDCF_UNRECOVERABLE_FILE. Even an apparently successful restoration may not restore the original file contents. For example, if another file was written over the original file contents and then deleted, RDCF may have no way of knowing that the file contents have changed. Complete restoration of a file can be assured if the original file was unfragmented before it was deleted and nothing has been written to the disk after it was deleted. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- --------------------------------------- 0 fully or partially successful operation RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL index is past end of directory RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND entry did not represent a deleted file RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY nonexistent subdirectory in path RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive or file specification RDCF_UNRECOVERABLE_FILE none of the file can be restored If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.22. rdcf_wipe_disk() - Wipe Out Erased Data --------------------------------------------- The following function call writes nonsense over all unused clusters of the specified drive: e = rdcf_wipe_disk(fcb, spec); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to file control block char *spec; drive specification ("A:", "B:", etc.), omitted if RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE is undefined int e; 0 if operation was successful, or negative error code When a file is deleted by DOS or RDCF, the information contained in the file is not actually erased. The data clusters containing the information are merely marked as unused. Until these clusters are actually used for other files, the information is still there, and can often be recovered by calling rdcf_undelete() or rdcf_recover() or by using a file recovery utility. For security reasons, you may want to make sure your erased files are really erased. This function does that by writing nonsense into every cluster marked as unused. The information is not completely destroyed. It may be possible to read some of it by subjecting the disk to a special analysis in a laboratory, but it cannot be read by an ordinary file recovery utility. Even erasing every unused cluster won't necessarily remove all the information from erased files. There may be unused sectors at the ends of files that are not erased. The last cluster of such a file is not marked as unused, because part of it is being used. But the part that is not being used may contain information from an older file that did use the entire cluster. Possible return values are as follows: return value meaning ----------------------- ------------------------------------------ 0 fully or partially successful operation RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_INVALID_SPEC invalid drive specification If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. 8.23. rdcf_write() - Write to a File ------------------------------------ The following function call writes a block of bytes to an open file: n = rdcf_write(fcb, buffer, count); struct rdcf *fcb; pointer to open file control block void *buffer; memory buffer to supply data int count; number of bytes to be written int n; number of bytes actually written, or a negative error code The file control block must have been successfully opened in mode RDCF_CREATE or RDCF_READ_WRITE by rdcf_open(). Writing starts at the current file pointer position. If the operation is successful, the file pointer is advanced to the byte immediately following the last byte written. If necessary, the file is lengthened to accommodate the bytes being written. The return value is the number of bytes actually written. If this is nonnegative but less than the count, there was insufficient disk space to write all the data. Other errors are indicated by the following negative return values: return value meaning --------------------- -------------------------------------------- RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR disk improperly formatted RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR error in reading or writing disk RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR corrupt file allocation table RDCF_MODE_ERROR file mode not RDCF_CREATE or RDCF_READ_WRITE This function also sets an internal flag to indicate that the file has been written, which causes RDCF to update the directory when the file is later closed. If the count is zero, setting the flag is all it does. If RDCF is compiled as a read-only file system, this function is not defined. =============================== RDCF2.H =============================== /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDCF: A Reentrant DOS-Compatible File System, Version 2.0 by Philip J. Erdelsky September 15, 1992 Copyright (c) 1992 Philip J. Erdelsky -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _RDCF #define _RDCF #include /* #define RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY */ #define RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE #define RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE 512 struct rdcf_date_and_time { unsigned char second; unsigned char minute; unsigned char hour; unsigned char day; unsigned char month; unsigned short year; }; struct rdcf_file_information { unsigned char spec[13]; unsigned char attribute; #define RDCF_READ_ONLY 0x01 #define RDCF_HIDDEN 0x02 #define RDCF_SYSTEM 0x04 #define RDCF_VOLUME 0x08 #define RDCF_DIRECTORY 0x10 #define RDCF_ARCHIVE 0x20 struct rdcf_date_and_time date_and_time; unsigned short first_cluster; unsigned long size; }; /* FCB (File Control Block) */ struct rdcf { /* values that must be initialized by the calling program */ unsigned char *buffer; unsigned (*drive_access)(int, unsigned, unsigned, void *); /* file information */ struct rdcf_file_information file; /* result codes */ unsigned long position; unsigned short drive_error; short result; /* file system information */ unsigned char drive; #ifndef RDCF_SECTOR_SIZE unsigned short sector_size; #endif unsigned short first_FAT_sector; unsigned short sectors_per_FAT; unsigned short first_directory_sector; unsigned short first_data_sector; unsigned short sectors_per_cluster; unsigned short maximum_cluster_number; unsigned short last_cluster_mark; /* internal use only */ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY unsigned char mode; #endif unsigned short directory_first_cluster; unsigned short directory_cluster; unsigned short directory_index; unsigned char buffer_status; unsigned short cluster; unsigned short last_cluster; unsigned short sector_in_buffer; jmp_buf error; }; struct rdcf_format { unsigned char x[19]; }; /* error codes */ #define RDCF_ACCESS_DENIED (-1) #define RDCF_DIRECTORY_CONFLICT (-2) #define RDCF_DIRECTORY_FULL (-3) #define RDCF_DISK_FORMAT_ERROR (-4) #define RDCF_DRIVE_ERROR (-5) #define RDCF_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR (-6) #define RDCF_INVALID_DIRECTORY (-7) #define RDCF_INVALID_SPEC (-8) #define RDCF_MODE_ERROR (-9) #define RDCF_FILE_NOT_FOUND (-10) #define RDCF_RENAMING_ERROR (-11) #define RDCF_SEEK_OUT_OF_RANGE (-12) #define RDCF_UNRECOVERABLE_FILE (-13) /* prototype for function defined in application */ void rdcf_get_date_and_time(struct rdcf_date_and_time *); /* formatting types */ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY extern struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_360; extern struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_720; extern struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_1200; extern struct rdcf_format rdcf_format_1440; #endif /* modes for rdcf_open() */ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY #define RDCF_CREATE 0 #define RDCF_READ 1 #define RDCF_READ_WRITE 2 #endif /* modes for rdcf_sort_directory() */ #ifndef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY #define RDCF_EXTENSION_NAME 0 #define RDCF_NAME_EXTENSION 1 #define RDCF_DATE_TIME 2 #define RDCF_SIZE 3 #define RDCF_REVERSE 8 #endif /* prototypes for functions defined in RDCF */ #ifdef RDCF_SYSTEM_READ_ONLY int rdcf_open(struct rdcf *, char *); #else int rdcf_attribute(struct rdcf *, char *, unsigned); int rdcf_close(struct rdcf *); int rdcf_date_and_time(struct rdcf *, char *, struct rdcf_date_and_time *); int rdcf_delete(struct rdcf *, char *); int rdcf_directory(struct rdcf *, char *); int rdcf_format(struct rdcf *, #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE char *, #endif struct rdcf_format *); int rdcf_move(struct rdcf *, char *, char *); int rdcf_open(struct rdcf *, char *, unsigned); int rdcf_recover(struct rdcf *, char *); int rdcf_rename(struct rdcf *, char *, char *); int rdcf_set_file_information(struct rdcf *, char *, unsigned, struct rdcf_file_information *); int rdcf_set_volume(struct rdcf *, char *); int rdcf_sort_directory(struct rdcf *, char *, int); int rdcf_undelete(struct rdcf *, char *); int rdcf_wipe_drive(struct rdcf * #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE , char * #endif ); int rdcf_write(struct rdcf *, void *, int); #endif int rdcf_get_file_information(struct rdcf *, char *, unsigned); int rdcf_next_file_information(struct rdcf *); int rdcf_get_volume(struct rdcf * #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE , char * #endif ); long rdcf_free_space(struct rdcf * #ifdef RDCF_MULTIPLE_DRIVE , char * #endif ); int rdcf_match(char *, char *); int rdcf_read(struct rdcf *, void *, int); int rdcf_seek(struct rdcf *, unsigned long); #endif